Steve that engine is really intimidating , you better hide it under the hood .
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Steve that engine is really intimidating , you better hide it under the hood .
It stopped raining for a while today so I popped the valve cover on to check clearance, I now have a nice 3/4" of clearance instead of the 1/4" I had previously..
Got a real lot off the list of jobs to do today, had to dodge a few showers but its nice to get stuff done.
First job was the fittings on the transmission cooler, it had push on type but it was bugging me that i really wanted bolt on type, solution was to turn up 2 fittings on the lathe with a 37 degree taper and bore out to fit the 3/8" copper pipe on the cooler, first off the ends were trimmed and the fittings pushed on, I reamed these to get a real tight fit, then they were soldered with plumbers solder.
Here it is fitted with the lines
Next job was to alter the pipework on the electric water pump, because I altered the blower belt configuration it now allowed me to run the pump a lot lower, the entry port is now straight off the bottom hose stub. I just extended the pipework down with a couple of mandrel bends and gave it a quick going over on the polisher.
Next job was to fit the plug wires I had already bought, unfortunately I received 90 degree dizzy fittings instead of the straight type I asked for so these will get replaced at some point, they are also too short on the offside and pass over the top of the valve covers which I don't really like, the nearside are fine though. They will do for starting it up.
Just those little jobs took all day !!! But at least the list is a lot smaller :3dSMILE:
This is how it looks so far, headers will be coming off again for coating, Its getting busy in there :cool:
Getting close Steve!!! Everything looks good!
That sure is PURRRDY
Lookin' good, Steve. Real good! I think we will be as excited as you when you fire it up.
Now eagerly awaiting video of the start up!!
Careful though, all that power may slow the Earth rotation!! ;-)
Managed to find a few hours today as ran out of materials on a job I was doing so looked out the window and it had stopped raining so managed to get a few more jobs of the list, its actually very short now !!!
I had ordered another blower belt due to the repositioning of the idler assembly so that was the first thing to fit, got it all in place and now the idler fouled the thermostat cover end of the top hose, unfortunately the length belt I wanted they don't make so had to have one slightly shorter.
So out with the thin cutting disc and within minutes I had a selection of bits, the top hose was duly modified and extended where needed but the thermostat cover needed to exit at an angle, so more cutting and the bend was rewelded round a bit, all good now !!!
I'm glad I altered the idler now as it gives excellent blower belt wrap.
I really must get a nice cover for that rad cap !!!
Filled all the fluids up today and although I knew the modified oil pan was gonna be greedy I didn't realise it would devour 2 gallons of Valvoline VR1 !!!
Need to get 2 more quarts tomorrow to get it to full on the stick !!!
That nut on the radiator bracket got enough bite?