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Thread: '63 V8 Notchback

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  1. #1
    v8notchman's Avatar
    v8notchman is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Car Year, Make, Model: 63 VW Notchback

    '63 V8 Notchback


    I bought this car and had it delivered up from Arizona. (Is it bad when you buy a car and open the trunk and find a gas can, fire extenguisher and a tow rope?) Since all I really wanted was the body, I was looking for one that was solid. Other than a little wreckage in the very front, there is very little damage to this otherwise solid car. I drove it around town for a little and it turned a lot of heads. BTW, I insisted that the color was fucia and not pink. When the headlight switch was sizzling and smoking while rolling down the highway and after it sprung a major fuel leak I decided it was time to begin the work.

    Here's what the car looked like before I started taking it apart.
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    Last edited by v8notchman; 12-07-2010 at 12:54 PM. Reason: Too vague

    Life's short...eat dessert first.

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