Thread: The fiero gm should have built
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12-07-2010 10:27 AM #1
The fiero gm should have built
new to this site kinda got into this fiero thing 2 years ago and wanted to sheare my project.i have bought 3 fiero gts 1 runing 1 siting for 10 years and 1 87 gt under a colapsed shed bought for the wheels it was a parts car little did i now this car would be my center of attn. with all the engine swaps being done i wanted somthing differnt.i had seen some longitudinal fiero build ups witch interested me. i started buy buying a olds 350 with a th325 trans for $200 but did not plan on using the engine. wanting to be differnt than the other logetudinal engine swaps with engine pointing forward this puts the engine and trans wieght behind the rear wheels. i bought a diferntial flip kit that flips the differntial upside down alowing the engine to be turned around backwards puting the engine and trans wieght in front of the rear wheels. now for the engine most longitudinal fieros use 350 i wanted to be differnt i wanted the bigest engine i could afford. 20 years earler i worked at a salvage yard where there was 76 eldo with a 500 caddy motor had never been tuched and was still there last year $500 so i bought it not nowing if i could use it or not. got the engine home started geting things together engine and trans bolted up great but the diffential would take more work. when you flip one of these it moves the axle shaft 3 inches hire witch ment the axle had to go thew the oil pan no big deal as i have modifyd many oil pans on other projects. ended up modifying the oil pan,oil pick up,maincap no big deal worked great.i used cv joints and parts off the shelf mix match gm stuff. maken brakits and misc pieces engine mounts was no problem. after a got every thing to gether i toor everything apart rebuilt the engine and trans reasembled everything.i have driven this car and it absolutly rips car has a 242ratio and would proubly go 175+mph not with me driven. this car actully drives better than my other fieros.more info and picture coming soon. please tell me what you think i have not showed this to the public yet. buy the way i do custom engine and fab here in missiouri
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