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Thread: Project "Left Overs"

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    Itoldyouso's Avatar
    Itoldyouso is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    fort myers
    Car Year, Make, Model: '27 ford/'39 dodge/ '23 t

    Project "Left Overs"


    I guess it is time to start a build thread on my latest project. Not everyone will like this one because of how I am going to do it, but for some reason I am more anxious to do this one than any of the others I have built. The reason I am calling it "Left Overs" is because that is exactly what it will be built from, mostly left over parts from other projects, some of which I scrounged from my two Son's cast off parts bin.

    The main component of the car will be a 29 Ford Murray body that Dan originally had as a fordor, but then modified to make a roadster pickup body for his own rod. As his car started to become nicer he decided to use a Brookville body instead, so I dragged the unwanted body to my side of the shop and claimed it for my own. (I THINK I asked his permission, but not sure )

    Since we can only post 5 pictures per post, I will have to do this in several segments to get all the pictures in. Here is how the body evolved from a fordor sedan to it's present state of being a roadster pickup body. Dan did an enormous amount of metal work to make that happen, and luckily for me, the hard parts are already done.

    The first picture is how it looked when he started taping off what he was going to cut off, and the rest of the pictures are of how he did the reconstruction of the back section.

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