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Mama's 57
I thought I started a thread on this car long ago. may be gone , maybe I just thought I did and didn't. Anyway we'll see what I can do here. I bought this car in 03 for my wife. She wanted a 57 Tbird:eek: I told her neither of us had enough $ for that. Then she said she wanted a wagon. I looked all over at wagons I refused to get a 4dr. 4DRs are not cool. Anyway I found this one in southeren IN. In a little town just north of Owensboro KY. some 300miles. I left on friday after work. I got there about 7pm still light out. We loaded it on trailer (no drive train) first time front first couldn't balance load. Then backwards WORSE back to right way. took all spare parts and put them under hood to get more toung weight. Anyway it was better than first time so I took off. Heading north about 1 hr into the trip back it started to rain. Thunder and lighting rain. I stoped for gas and checked the load it was still all there BUT I had no trailer lights. I couldn't ind the problem and I had to get back on the job in the morning. SOOO I drove back roads with my 4ways going. I got home about sunup the rain had stoped and I was beat. these are pictures of the car that morning, and yes I went to work:rolleyes:
What does it look like now?
Charlie I've had those kind of road trips (towing a 58 Chevy with no drive train on a tow bar behind a V8 Vega comes to mind) there fun to laugh about afterwards but not a lot of fun at the time.
How does it look now?
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Well you should know that I have built 2 other cars since the start of this one heres more of the project. This car was a drag car and frame so twisted I liked to never got fenders back on
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here are a few more. There were places around the gutter that I leaded in because of pin-holes. Didn't know what else to use. It has new floofs and new rockers.
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The paint store had some greens that the wife thought she wanted so I put them on just to prove a point and fill some scratches at the same time. This was about a year and a half ago. The engine is a fresh 305 with TH350 and a stock posie rear. She wants get up and go with good mileage ( Don't we all)
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The doors I got from 2 different guys in Nebraska, as the ones I got with the car are a bit rusted. The wheel wells were radiused but realy bad job. Had to take them apart and start over. The dash was a project in it self. Trying to find stock parts like an adventure... We are getting closer. I have the seats (85 pontiac) and the wife is going to upholster them along with the original rear seat. Had lots of trouble getting the interior trim, and don't want to discuss the cost of the exterior trim.
Thanks for the catch-up thread on the '57 Charlie!!! Except now I'm even more anxious to get back on mine!!!!
All the manufacturer's had such classics in the Tri-Five era, what the heck did they do after that, fire the designers or what????:LOL::LOL:
I think they were alright till in the mid 60s then they all quit. 57 fords were cool looking cars I had a 57 DeSoto hemi 2x4 a real blast to drive.(Got my share of tickets in that one.)
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I may have told you guys before ,While I was putting glass in the passenger door I had to leave. So left door open. When I got back I backed into the shop and into the door of the 57. I personaly dislike body work. :eek: Anyway its been repaired and going to repaint over the weekend I think.
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I took the front seat apart so Chris can reupholster them. I'm in the prosses of mounting them in the car. That means NO MORE MILK CRATE. I like that. I was going to put in the oem seat Which I don't have but to just get the frame and spring your looking at $300/$600. Don't need it that bad. Seems they all went to the junk yards being replaced by buckets. This way she gets a power seat so she should like that.
Somewhere in the garage I have an OEM blower motor and I think the heater control panel, if you need them I'll see if I can find them. You pay the shipping and they're yours.
NTFDAY I'm not sure I need them yet but if you find them I'll gladly pay shipping to get them
Looking good so far,keep up the good work. Hank
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If it wasn't for the hoist I'd still be far behind