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Thread: 1967 Mustang Coupe build

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  1. #1
    bluestang67's Avatar
    bluestang67 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    New Lenox
    Car Year, Make, Model: 67 Mstg cpe , 37 Ford Coupe

    1967 Mustang Coupe build


    Well this project started in 1997 when I got it . I have a few others that side tracked me , like a move also . As with most Mustangs they rust on the inside out . 67mustang 007.jpg67mustang.jpg67mustang 003.jpg67mustang 005.jpg

    I could have just patched it and ran , but since panels are so cheap I figured I would make it better then new .

    It sat for about 8 years while house projects took some time . I started nipping at it a few years ago getting the drive line back in and moving on its own .

    I found it just a little north of me , been in a garage for a few years after the hood launched into the air the guy quit driving it .

    Here it is on the second day home , the first day some new feul lines and battery it fired right up . The mice had about a small bucket of corn stored in the exhaust so it took a while to clear it out .

    My 2 sons , cleaning , buffing and waxing it all up .

    This is how the rear aprons looked after Apollo Hood .

    The left torque box and firewall was pretty bad . They make all the right parts to repair any rust out .

    After I replaced the parts to the firewall and floor toe pan and the box . .
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    Last edited by bluestang67; 09-22-2013 at 07:05 PM.

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