Was waiting for you to clean the krap out of the tire treads too.. tsk tsk..**)**):rolleyes:
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Was waiting for you to clean the krap out of the tire treads too.. tsk tsk..**)**):rolleyes:
I ordered all the seals for top , thought i would put the front and back glass in before paint then last minute changed me mind . I wanted to seal weatherstrips but found a video that was very helpfull and doing it at the end , well i hope it works that well LOL .
So I did get the frames cut in but now new direction , I put in headliner playing with it and checking fit and I will be happy , this is the first time I ever tried one , and its not to bad a job up front , the back glass and sails do however require a little more finesse and trimming . I also have to find where I stored the sound deadner and a piece of hard board I remember was at the bottom of sail panel I think the headliner wrapped around bottom of it .
Also had to look way back in my actual 35 mm photos to find out the location of my spare tire bracket LOL . I have the original spare so with it and the picture I did get it in and correct luck was with me . You know this car started in 1997 :( . I sealed it in with 3m rubberized undercoating and I am think I will refresh paint work on trunk floors just so its super clean at the end .
I have every bolt on done and stored away to protect them , jeez I dont want to have to do any over .
A small vid of the headliner as I had worked it into position
Fitting 67 Mustang Headliner - YouTube
You make it look easy, nice job, Bobby!
Wow, you did make it look easy. I'll be hitting you up for tips on my Mom's 68 this winter i'm sure. :LOL:
Very Nice job. Every time I see this thread, I think "Man that's a nice shade of Blue!"
Gentleman this should be it , went over it today again 600 wet and fine tooth comb . I am so finicky I get to double checking my self 12 times . I will bright light it and do one more look before I tape it up and shoot the color or maybe I should just fill the gun and go . This day has been coming a long time and the test drives I do will look so much better :) lol .
I am still updating the thread pics and have added some back . Some cases they don't match the post since last pics were from a host site and fit more . But they are close and I think every one will catch on .
Some will recognize this spray gun will say its working great for the task at hand and sprays down some nice work .
Wow, thats some nice work, very nice. Don't slack off now, winters coming and you'll be cruising in the spring!
Good Work! Keep it up Bobby!
Yeah,,come on,Bobby..Shoot the horse,will ya??:D:D Looks good,mate.. You will be glad to see it all done.. Nice job..:cool:
That last picture looks like one of the $9.99 Harbor Freight "Special's"!! Man, I've got horror stories to tell about the two or three that I bought, but if they work, they work!! Maybe it's just proof that it's not the gun, it's the guy behind the gun that makes the diffference!!
That's a bunch of work and a real nice job of it !
Ok stuck with it and got it all masked off for the morning , figure this way I won't get detoured from getting further LOL :) . The wife gave me the extra hand and it helped out a lot . Well lets see if the sun comes up in the morning . Get ready guys a 16 year project with about 6 years work in it :) .
Just so you know =======we had snow up here in Bartlett today
Jerry didn't go out all day but for a second , hear it;s supposed to be in the 50'd next Monday .
A little teaser cutting it in . few more hours to go :) :)
Wow must be a great feeling to be so close to being done it looks great so far Bobby! We'll keep our fingers crossed for good weather!
staying with it guys , had a few pieces of dirt and got them out . All one color now first time in 16 years :) :) :) .. Flashing off then I will start to cut in the clear . Yee Haa
Well guys here it is funny how hardly no dirt while color coating , but jeez open the clear and there it comes LOL . Not bad just a little so a scuff and buff will make it all disappear :) :) :) .
I am a tired puppy , been a long time and glad I didn't have to do it all today since i did the pieces earlier . Hopefully get the door hung back tomorrow been keeping them and other pieces out of the way , tip toeing around them in the garage makes me nervous :) .
Looks real nice, I have a 66 that would nice on:3dSMILE:
WOW That's nice Bobby!
Thanks guys i give it a 7 or a 8 , been about 20 years since i did anything of this magnitude . Few minor dirt pieces but no biggie . I did however start getting some water issues on the third coat . This is a 2 medium coat clear USC 40 . Very easy to apply and nothing like clears back 20 years ago .
Man, deja vu all over again times three. The garage paint booth. Limited space. Limited light. Dust. Ventilation. I'm glad I've done my last one. Excellent job on both your setup and your outcome.
I really like the way that blue looks on the car Bobby!!! Great color selection!!! Looks similar to the blue that was on my '68 California Special?????
Dave it is the factory 67 Iridescent Alcapulco Blue , which if I remember was a 67 - 68 color only
. I still dont know how to keep text in the window lol I have to place a period lower to keep it off the bottom . I took a couple more I think show the blue much better
I think it is close to my 68 mustang. Here is a shot of it when I was 15 or 16 yrs old(now 50!)
On second thought a little lighter!
Looks like Aculpoco Blue was the darkest blue offered in '67/'68....
Google Image Result for http://www.classicmustang.com/images/68-mustang-exterior-colors.jpg
Steve the lighting makes look lighter outside will be better and even , also shade in your pic makes it darker .
Looks great, Bobby!!! Congrats!!
Thanks Randy and every one for the compliments .
Randy that color chip looks just like it, here is a side by side
Steve this pic shows the dark in the shade .
Great job, love the color!