This is a incredibly fun build to watch, Thanks so much for keeping up up to date with progress and pictures. That car has to be a blast to drive.
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This is a incredibly fun build to watch, Thanks so much for keeping up up to date with progress and pictures. That car has to be a blast to drive.
Thanks! I've been having a blast driving it this past week. Havent gone very far yet but I've had it out almost every day. Had a few minor issues but smooth sailing for the most part.
Gas gauge fixed; I had the wrong sending unit. I needed some kind of heater and the original one took up too much space under the hood. After looking at several different kinds of old heaters on ebay, I decided to go with this from good old JC Whitney. It's 7" square with a heater core and two speed blower and should tuck up under the dash nicely. I'll just have to build a little sheet metal piece to run some air to the defrost duct. Plus it's new and under $140.
That should do the trick! A heater is something I still need to consider. I don't drive it in the winter but if it had a heater I might!
What are the dimensions on that unit, Falcon??? Looks like a real compact size!!
probably run you out of there ...2 speed fan?? or reostat??
It says two speed but hasnt gotten here yet. I'll post a pic once I've got it in. Our local shows open next Friday at the Kirkwood Sonic; I hope to have it there!
I got my heater in this weekend and it works great. I used the controls from the 49 and a generic OReilys heater valve. I also got the cowl seal on (without it the back of the hood was rattling) and my friend Kyle was kind enough to buff the whole car for me. The old paint came out looking pretty decent.
Sure looks good all shine up Falcon, should make for a fun ride this summer!
A friend came by today; he was cleaning out his dad's garage after he passed away last year. His dad was a car builder and avid hubcap collector. He gave me a set of these for the car; I think they look pretty spiffy.
I agree! SPIFFY!!
Way kewl Falcon, 4 bar spinners add 15 hp to any build!!!!
Very nice!!!!
Did I miss the video of the shake down run yet been off and about in the life .