Yeah, that's a temporary ailment, Dave. Im going to drive it as is for the summer, paint it red over the winter, and eventually do the same setup the 51 had; Mopar small block and 5 speed. Except I think use a 360 this time.
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Now I'm confused :confused: You have 2 threads and it looks like you traded one Plymouth for another??? So which one do you have or is it both? I got to go sit down.**)
It's simple, The 48 Im building was originally a 47 but I got the 48 coupe body so it became a 48. Along the way i scrapped a 50 and two other 48s to sell for parts for the 47 which is now a 48, except for the other 48 that i built into a rat truck using the chassis from the 48 and a cab from a 54. I found the first 49 and got it roadworthy for a cheap cruiser but then i found the 51 so i scrapped the 49 for parts to build the 51, which i just traded for this 49. But I also still have the 48 which was a 47 along with the 49. Got it?
Who's on first?
Clear as mud!!!!!
(47+48+50+48+48+54+49+51-49)/9 is 38.4
No help whatsoever
If you say so, cause its your story.:LOL::LOL::LOL:
And I'm stickin to it. ;)
You lost me with...''it's simple'':eek::whacked::whacked::whacked:
I think I lost myself on that one.
Whew! I'm glad it wasn't just me!
Hmmmm... What does it mean about me if I said I understand it quite well?????
I understood what he was getting at when I read it.
But I wouldn't be able to repeat it!
My wife says it means I've had way too many cars. I disagree.