Well I also think that it's a smoking hot idea! I've had it in the back of my head for a few years.. when I saw you're other thread about the Taurus, I was hoping you'd re-think that idea and now?!?!?!?! Woo Hoo!!! rofl...
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Only one way to find out; regardless if it's this motor or a small block Mopar, this baby needs more beans.
I agree about needing more beans, that little 6 banger will get you killed in St. Louis traffic.
Yeah, I took it on the interstate to the car show Saturday and traffic was zipping around me like I was standing still.
Is that engine bay going to deep enough for that monster?
We'll find out. May need some firewall adjustment. I figure if a v8 fits I should be able to make a v6 fit.
I like it!!!
I think it's a great idea!
This is the problem I have with most who claim to be "Traditional Rodders". They want to nit pick about a weird engine swap in this era, but back in the day they're building rods from, what did those guys do? They swapped odd ball stuff they had laying around or found cheap and built a car. I love different. It's hard to do these days. I say do it and show it off! :)
The whole body covered in piercings and head to toe tattoos with the rat rod type built cars????? Don't get me wrong, I like a well built rat rod, but most rockabilly ones I see around here are cobbled up death traps. No offense to anyone here.
A few years ago I was playing a gig at a biker event, during our break a nice looking lady walked over to me and asked if I would like to see her new tattoo, I said yes, she pulled down her top exposing herself nicely and asked what I thought? I kindly said that is a beautiful tattoo, do you have any more?
That’s what I call rockabilly!
When I was a kid the only people that had tattoo's were circus freaks and sailors and rat rod was not in our vocabulary. That old line "This is how they were built back in the day" is so much BS.