I'd like to see some pictures of the one with the Lexus V8; that would be a killer swap. Walk around the boneyard a bit and you see all kinds of late model power plants that are just waiting to be repurposed.
1 Corinthians 1:27
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I'd like to see some pictures of the one with the Lexus V8; that would be a killer swap. Walk around the boneyard a bit and you see all kinds of late model power plants that are just waiting to be repurposed.
1 Corinthians 1:27
Here ya go, Falcon.....https://www.google.com/search?q=lexu...w=1092&bih=514:D
here's another pic http://www.flickr.com/photos/1grandp...n/photostream/
There was a whole layout on it in Streetrodder or Rod&Custom a few years ago. Still looking for that.
Here's another sighting....http://www.thesmokingtire.com/2010/o...wered-hot-rod/
And here's a different 32 Ford powered by Lexus....http://www.toyota-4runner.org/genera...ged-motor.html
These are awesome, Randy. Thanks; I may never build another small block again.
Sounds great, I'd love to see it.
I need some advice; I was planning on going with a hanging pedal assembly but the more I look at it I hate to fix what isnt broke. It has a nice new underfloor conversion with a dual MC for the brakes. Is there any problem on a hydraulic clutch with having both the pedal cylinder and the slave cylinder at the same level and just running a remote resevior? I dont want the fluid from the slave to run back to the pedal cylinder and cause problems. If I can make it work I'll just make an adjustable bracket for the pedal cylinder to mount up to the underfloor clutch pedal. Any thoughts?
Falcon, my clutch master is frame mounted under the floor, and the slave is very nearly dead level with the bore of the MC. That puts the top of reservoir only about an inch above the top of the slave bore - that clutch master only has a nominal 1" ID x 2" high capacity. It's working just fine. Seems to me even with the slave slightly above you'd have to have a leak in the slave to let air in for the fluid to back flow to the MC? With a remote reservoir you'll be fine, I'd say.
That's good news, Roger. I think Im going to give it a shot. Got motor mounts built today; not the prettiest things but it's solid and level. Once I grind a few crappy welds and throw some paint on them, they should be fine. For insulators I used the rubber biscuits that were the trans mounts for the flathead; worked out great. Tomorrow I'll build a crossmember for the trans and then the drivetrain will be self supporting.
Finished the crossmember and got it back on its feet tonight. Now I have to notch the oil pan for tie rod clearance, build some headers, and figure out how to mount the clutch cylinder.
Simple & effective. Lookin' good.... this is always the part that I find most enjoyable..
I do, too. Although it makes a huge mess of the shop; I spent an hour cleaning up grinding dust and putting away tools yesterday. I really hope to have this back on the road in a few months and maybe even get it all one color over the winter. It may be primer rather than paint but we'll see how it goes.
Fitment looks great so far Falcon!!!!! Going to be a very nice and unique setup when you get it all done!!!!!!
Really? You think it'll come together this quickly? I'm hopeful for you, it'll be nice to see it all come together and be ready for cruisin' next season. This project is something that I had considered for my own coupe but figured it'll be easier and faster to do the SBF. But if yours comes out painless and with good results, I just may copy your recipe!
Feel free to use what you like. It's coming together really quick so Im hoping to back on the road before the end of the year if not sooner. I decided to keep the floor mounted pedals so that will shave off some time. The motor doesnt need rebuilt so it'll just get gaskets, a timing belt, and a fresh coat of paint. The biggest deal for me is wiring it and getting it to run right. The only fuel injected project I ever built was my son's 69 Chevy truck with a TBI. This is way more complicated than that one. I'd like to try the Megasquirt controller but I also have the factory wiring harnes, ECM, and the Ford wiring manuals so I may still lean that way. It's definitely a learning experience for me.
Thanks, Dave! I still want to see you do something with that little Bronco II; that things got all kinds of potential.
I think we all share the same hurdle, the wiring and tune-ups, but you may be a step ahead with the stock stuff on-hand.