Yeah, I just couldn't spray bomb this stuff and let it go. It sure looks super nice with real paint.

Been getting some stuff done on this thing. Repainted some piping and the front bumper.

I got the AC lines installed, replaced the drier and the expansion valve, got the last bolt in the turbo compressor housing, wired the external voltage regulator, wired the lift pump, had my brother prime the lift pump and fix a leak on the return side, and I set the intercooler back in there so I could see if my hot pipe would clear the AC lines. I also got the throttle linkage made. Built a bracket for the throttle pressure valve for the trans as well. Filled with fluids, fought and fought it but finally got it to run! Then I had some tach issues and figured that out. Waiting for a new tone wheel for that. I'm planning on a test drive this weekend................