The door inners are now pretty much there now which left one last job before I start putting metal and windows in, the job was to put in a return to mount the whisker strips onto, this is one job I always do on a glass car as looking in the window opening there is nothing worse than seeing the door inards, it really spoils any nicely built car.
So around the opening was keyed up and I mixed up some chopped mat and resin, I call it strawberry but its also known as bridger, its basically small chopped fibreglass strands mixed in resin to form a paste, its very handy for certain jobs.
Next I started installing the window channel, to hold the channel I split a piece of 20mm x 1.6mm box in half which gave me 2 10mm deep channels, the felt window runner is a nice snug fit in this.
Next I cut some 5mm ply to shape as a window template and formed the felt channel around it.