Yes you are correct Whip I have indeed give up smoking, no stress really, I'm a pretty strong person and if I want to do something nothing really gets in my way. I have found it pretty easy so far to be fair
That was some great work executing the filler, I really like it a lot! I'm so jealous of your pieces you make with your lathe. :LOL:
Last night I started to make up the bed skirt panels (not sure of the correct name) I had started to make a rolled rear pan last week but once finished I thought it didn't look right as the bed is very squared off looking so that was consigned to the scrap bin
Anyway popped back to my mate Brians engineering shop and bent up some more 16swg sheet, only had black left but once blasted it will be fine, dims are 5" with 1.125" returns. The wheel end has a 60 degree slash cut and the corner bend I did in my shop.
All the holes are slotted to make it easy to fit and allow some adjustment.
I decided to make it in 2 pieces as its much easier, heres the offside in place.
Heres the finished job with finisher in place, finisher will be held in place by rivet bolts same as filler trim.
Been sorting out Wipers over xmas, started off with a Mini system and widened it to suit, as usual at Xmas time all the suppliers are shut so will have to wait till monday to get a longer drive cable.
First job was to space the wheelboxes off the body, I used some nylon bar for this and turned up some spacers.
The existing finishers were angled and too thick so I spun up a couple of finishers in stainless for the nuts to tighten down on.
The outer steel bundy tubes were obviously the wrong length so needed extending, couldn't find any 5/16" tube so ended up using some 3/8" copper gas tube, the 5/16 is a nice snug fit in this. Then just soldered the joints.
Bolted the wheelboxes in place so now just need to add longer drive cable and mount the wiper motor.
Steve I'm amazed at how you approach issues that most of us agonize over. For me I look for the best adaptive solution that I can buy, but you just make do with what is available and make it work by fabricating what you need. I'm envious of your talent. I also enjoy your posts as it inspires me to try and think outside the box! Happy New Year, by the way!
Good to Know, Hopefully they don't have the Lucus reputation for leaving you in the dark!(or wet as the case may be!) People here still moan about the wiring on their Triumphs, etc...:)
As usual with xmas time everywhere is shut so still waiting for small bits to finish off lots of jobs so my thoughts wandered to front panels, On the Willys I like to setup the hood first and get the beltline aligned with the door so first job was to find a hood hinge, stock is just a type of piano hinge, I found lots of piano hinge but the hinge part was pretty light duty on them all, luckily my old mate Gary Layton had a bit of heavy duty stainless hinge in his scrap box
Its 1.125" wide on each leg and has a nice chunky 1/4" rod hinge (although this caused a problem)
First it was cut to length and the shape of the recess
Unfortunately the thickness of the hinge meant the width of the leg had to be reduced considerably, Its held in place with 5 bolts so i'm sure it will be be fine.
Well it was xmas so I bought myself a present
Next job kept me nice & warm for a while Had to rub down the fibreglass where I had joined the cab to the firewall. It still needs blending & fettling but I will do that later.
Are the Willys bonnets pretty flimsy across the rear as with the firewall the way it is it doesn't look like much room for the normal type of bracing under the ,whoops, hood I should of said ?