Looks great Steve! Hope that foot is feeling better soon!
Looks great Steve! Hope that foot is feeling better soon!
Another example of; what would we do without our lathe and mill?
I know, back in the hot rod saddle! Hope you are well Buddy!
I think I can see a small change of plan coming, cut the windows out last night and the Red is not very see through unlike the Orange on my coupe
Something about Rose Colored glasses comes to mind...
You are doing amazing things as usual!
Well more or lees the inner doors are now sorted windows go up & down really smoothly so turned my attention the the outer skins, as usual one of the former owners had done a hack job on the window opening returns, most of it had been chopped back, they couldn't even cut straight ffs !!! makes you wonder why ??? they needed extending inwards, not much about 1/2" but the gap to the window was massive !!!
First job was to key the old glass all the way around and feather the edge.
Next some cardboard (I favor Fruit & Fibre boxes as the resin don't stick to them and its nice with cream on it, but any will do) was taped into place to support the glass to be added.
Once cured the cardboard and tape is removed and this is what your left with, I usually give it a key and add one layer of mat on this edge. then finally trim to size required. I shall be adding a return for some window fuzzys at the bottom.
Looks great as usual!
Good to see glass work done right! And clear, concise explanations with good pictures, too - Bonus!! You're a good one, Steve!
More great work Steve!