Hahaha, I usually only use it to final finish, the glass paste you guys call hair has its uses but I only use it for filling and dips or slight shallows.
I prepped the topside of the window opening by feathering and laid up one layer of glass mat, this was then sanded smooth and a quick coat of primer to see how it looked, came out ok
next I laid the skin on the inner and marked it to give a 1/4" gap on the window, the excess was cut off and the edge sanded smooth, looks much better now.
You do fabulous work my friend.
Awesome job & will last forever! Do you ever back up the backkside afterwards with fiberglass cloth? Great rod building. Matthyj
Yeah, you don't want too much of that English heavy rain falling into the inside of the doors that could result in bad rust aye. Have you decided on the colour of your side windows or you going to settle on the red ?
Thanks for posting with detailed photos of the fibreglass repairs and additions as I have learnt from you on how to repair the chopped up body on my T Roadster.
Yep detailed photos on glass work are very helpful! Keep em coming Steve and have a Dickens' Cider on me at the pub! :)
Ordered some orange tinted yesterday and it arrived this afternoon so after tea I cut the windows out using the red as a template, Its quite surprising how more see through the orange is.
And heres a up & downy video clip, nice and smooth
Wow, big difference! And the orange looks pretty cool too!
Looks great and operates as slick as . . . well . . . glass. I have that same mechanism, and I love it.
BTW, do you have light transmission standards for the driver/passenger side windows? In Texas, it's 25%.
Thanks Matthy, I like to use mat because of the random strands that lay at different angles but occasionally I will add cloth but I find the cloth more awkward to work into shapes, Mat vs Cloth seems to be 50-50 argument between users, I find it does have its uses on large open areas though.
Thanks Matthy, I like to use mat because of the random strands that lay at different angles but occasionally I will add cloth but I find the cloth more awkward to work into shapes, Mat vs Cloth seems to be 50-50 argument between users, I find it does have its uses on large open areas though.
Not much but any progress is better than none I guess, I had some duplicate gauges kicking around so though I would put some in the firewall, Didn't want them flush fitted as that would look a bit boring so spun up a couple of rings out of a bit of thick wall aluminium tube to stand the gauges off slightly, a bit of aluminium sheet and an hours work and this is what I ended up with