[QUOTE=roadster32Now those assistants I could work with :LOL::LOL::LOL:
Better stick with Hot Rods, the upkeep expense on something like that would break the bank in a month!!!
[QUOTE=roadster32Now those assistants I could work with :LOL::LOL::LOL:
Better stick with Hot Rods, the upkeep expense on something like that would break the bank in a month!!!
Mostly been loading up for the swapmeet tomorrow but managed to get a few more bits done, as the tailgate is raised slightly so its level with the floor when opened there is a small 1.625" gap under it, I filled this with a piece of 1.250" x 16swg box section, I wanted to bolt this in place so a piece of 1/4" x 3" bar was welded inside on the bottom face so it could be drilled and tapped, also the ends were capped with 1/4" so they could be drilled and tapped also. One side of the end caps was radiused to sit nicely in the bottom return of the bedside.
I also made up the closing mechanism, basically shaped plates that locate on a pair of antiluce fastners, simple but clean & tidy. I gave them a quick polish to add balance to the polished hinge brackets. (the antiluce fasteners haven't arrived yet)
I must admit that I had never heard of an "antiluce" fitting, but I will do my best to remember the name in the future! Those are a very sharp alternative to hooks & chains!! http://www.albert-jagger.co.uk/porta...1_antiluce.pdf
I have never run across them, and everything I see on the web is UK or Australia based. They may be used, but not that I've seen.
I worked for the company that was the NZ agent for Albert Jagger hardware for 20+ years so very familiar with their products. They used to manufacture some awesome old style exterior door handles too that suited hot rods.
Now Steve, you ain't busy taking a mould off a certain Willy's pick up cab that a Californian Kiwi build and that now resides in the UK. ??;)
Been making the bed furniture the last few evenings, I wanted chains for the tailgate and needed to make up the various fixings etc etc, also the Antiluce fasteners turned up so they needed fitting also, for these a bit of 3/4" BMS bar was turned down to 1/2" and holes drilled in the rear stake bed pockets, the bar was then inserted and plug welded from the rear, I will tig the tailgate side later.
I spun these parts up in aluminium in the lathe, the next pics explain where they go.
Very nice and really it is all in the detail that makes the difference . Has that bloke asked who does all your lathe work yet as I'm sure Sue could fit that in with the welding....
Man I really like the IDEA of putting the chains in the bed. They won't mess up the outside while bouncing around. Honestly never seen it done that way. COOL :D:D:D
Steve, just curious how your chain adapters attach to the tail gate and bed side? Are they intended to support load, like a heavy object being slid out, or the 20 stone mate who plops his hefty backside on the gate to rest a bit?
Sounds like it's good, Steve! Best to prove it out, because its a given that some dolt will park his hefty backside on the tail gate at some point in time, even if he should be thumped for doing it! A guy around here worked on his Falcon Ranchero for a loooong time, and finally pulled in a bunch of favors and got the new color shot. One of the first times out the gate was down, and he parked his own backside on it to chat, not considering that the new cable supports he'd installed had never been stretched and adjusted. He's got a pair of parallel dents about a foot apart on his gate now, perfect images of the bumper brackets.... At least he has no one to blame but himself....
Great work. We have some equipment at work that have pins with ends like your tail gate hardware has. I never realized they were called that though. That's a great idea. Your chains inside the bed is a great idea too. I'm kind a surprised the chain isn't SS though. :LOL:
Scooting I have a set of scaffolding with those and never made the connection until just now! Thanks for the reminder!
Woo hoo yesterday was like summer had returned So got a chance to get the floor in the bed, I'm using a sheet of 3/4" WBP Plywood, i decided to put in a 1.25" x 16swg square box subframe to support the floor slightly higher as the kickup in the frame was a bit on the close side. The 16swg is nice and light but strong.
The subframe is bolted to the returns on the bottom of the sides, I didn't want to use rivnuts here so turned up some threaded bungs and welded them in to the tube and then sanded smooth.
Next job was to cut the ply and drop into position, its held in temporarily with some button heads as run out of countersunk screws. I've ordered some ribbed rubber for the floor covering which will get glued down as I want it usable, In the last pic you can see marked out where I intend to put some polished stainless strips.
Gonna look great! How will you protect the bottom & sides from moisture, given that you do get an occasional rain squall in the area? ;)
Nice work! What is Gravitex if you don't mind me asking?
I believe Gravitex is an Upol product that is a stone chip spray on product that sets very hard and it is used on the rocker panels and lower front apron of cars. It can be used as a coating as Steve intends in wellsides.
Whip has summed it up pretty well Ryan, I used it underneath on my coupe, It gives a sort of bobbly finish which is quite pleasant to the eye and is really tough.
Hmmmm............and all along I was thinking gravitex was slang for a fat chick from Texas. Your threads are always educational Steve..........:)
Went and collected this today, its not the nicest thing in the world but it has a fairly decent rear panel which will save no end of work, its been well butchered in places but dimensionally fairly correct, once I graft our 41 front on it it should look much better, once its all nice and straight we will mould off it. It will certainly save a lot of work & time.
I won't be keeping the outstanding firewall :eek::LOL:
Hell mate, replace those screws on the firewall with some stainless ones and you are good to go. You did mention that this was to be a work horse so the purple paint may just look okay as is.....:D
Thanks for the info on the gravitex, and nice score on the cab. Hey, at least there's no rust in it. :LOL:
Nice work,Steve.. Best place for those chains..Inside the bed.. Real kool looking bed,that.. Hey,,wondered what those tailgate catches were called...hehe..Lookin goood....
The laminator made up a new front section from the coupe mould so last night we had a bit of a play around.
Well finished the fence first thing so got plenty of brownie points :LOL: then more or less spent the rest of the day measuring, then measuring and then measuring again !!! :(
Decided where the join will be between the 2 halves and laid a plan out for the recess in the firewall. It was really a 2 man job but no one was around today, will have to get Gomez back to lend a hand :cool:
Also a few bits & pieces arrived, door locks, handles hood hooks & willys side trim, the eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed the cab is a 40 with the wipers above the screen, the coupe front is a 41 with wipers below the screen and has an extra swage line the 40 doesn't have plus I like the wipers above the screen, hence my cut line is below the 41 wipers, the side trim is the correct half round 40 pickup deluxe trim, the coupe trim is peaked.
These fenders caused me quite a bit of head scratching as I couldn't get them to fit right at first, until I realised they were the ones Mr Noble had used for mocking up his body and he had cut a bit off them :rolleyes: sussed it in the end though :)
Door hinges are polished stainless steel, these were not available when I did my Coupe so they were chromed, these are much nicer and not much more money.
Door locks are Bearjaw type, I don't usually use bearjaw preferring an older style latch but these were cheap !!! :LOL:
Willy Reproduction Parts chrome door handles
32 Ford hood hooks, probably only need 2 as I intend to hinge the hood
40 pickup deluxe side trim :cool:
New parts are always FUN
Looking nice,Steve.. Love that ol' Y block..
Those 409's are getting hard to get and expensive from what I've heard on this site.