This will be regarded as a classic as it's registered 1943 ;)
More steel framing today, I wanted to tie the inner steel work in to the frame so first job was to make a pair of brackets, and fit to the frame and firewall.
Next I looked at a problem I have been thinking about for a few days, the problem is on the willys you can't bring the tube frame down to the floor level because there is no recess anywhere for it to fit into, this is my solution, basically a 3 sided box bolted down to the floor and tied into the inner fender panel and also tied into the firewall brackets.
I also got to make the roll cage front bar bracket that is bolted into the chassis and front outrigger.
Looks good,Steve.. All you can do with that situation..But it will be strong..Nice.
Very nice work and I like your reinforcement solution as well. Are you going to use stainless for the roll bar/cage too?
Had a break from steeling out today and decided to mount the bed instead, the back of the bed needs lowering about another 1/2" but its same as a stock Willys and pretty much on the money
Looking very nice!!!
Looking like a truck now
Thanks guys, its looking just how I planned, needed to get a looksee as most of this has been built from measurements and never been together before so its good to check the plan :LOL:
Looking very nice,Steve.. Coming together well..
Got the door hinges tied into the frame now, its becoming very rigid
Very nice!
Spent the last couple of evenings making up a pair of support tubes to tie the firewall to the chassis, Its really strong now with zero movement anywhere.
1.5" stainless tube & bends, not sure wether to polish or paint black yet, I will decide later.
Polished stainless always looks good! ;)
Havn't made my mind up yet guys, sometimes paint can look better with just a few polished highlights, We will see in due course :cool:
I thought you weren't going with stainless on the tubing? :LOL: It sure looks nice!
Not much progress at the weekend due to very heavy showers every half an hour But this evening there was a nice sunny break so I decided to get the template made for the roll bar hoop, Its very similar design to my coupe but its all at the front as obviously there isn't much space behind the seats in a truck. As they did back in the day i'm using 2" x 1/8" wall tube, its a 2 piece hoop as in 1 piece it wont fit in the chrome bath , It has a diagonal going from the middle of the hoop to the passengers footwell where it ties into the frame.
The outside of the template is the centreline of the tube.
Great idea on the hoop template. I never thought to use ply wood as a template when doing the cage.
So the outside of the template the outside of the tube?? Great idea
Been trying different places for the rear lamps over the last couple of weeks but just couldn't decide, last night the decision was made !!!, so I drilled a few holes and bolted them on, I really like them !!!
Then Gary gave me a hand with the cage parts, pics later
You picked the right spot for the lights IMO, Steve. The line of the outside pocket flaring out at the bottom fits that position just perfectly!
Like Roger said, it looks great!
OK I have a question..I see no slots or hex heads or means to tighten the bolts together from hinge or tail light.
The bottom of the stake pocket could be open and he could have placed nuts up from the bottom and held them with a wrench.
I thought they were sex bolts but I can't see the head
Popped over to my mate Garys with the cage template last night and bent up the main hoop and the diagonal and tonight I got it all tacked in place with the mig, I will take it out tomorrow night and tig weld it all in the workshop.
The main hoop is in 2 pieces as in one piece it won't fit in the chrome bath and I do like a chrome cage, the 2 pieces are joined with a slip joint, one side is plug welded in to the tube and the other slips into the other side, the diagonal bolts in through 2 sleeved holes and the 2 bolts hold it all together. The pics explain it,
Been a bit of a chippy today as I needed to set up a seat, So today I made up a framework and seat stands.
First I made a frame in 3/4" box, I have a bender for the square but it wouldn't do the tight radius I wanted so did it the old fashioned way of sliting and bending and ten welding.
The seat back is hinged, the bolts screw into rivnuts
The side brackets were bent up in 1/8" steel and shaped to make them a little more interesting.
Here it is in the cab, its the widest I could get it at 48" so it could seat 3 at a pinch but its nice and comfortable for 2 people.
I ran out of time to do the sides but this is the basic shape.
Got the templates made for the sides tonight and also cut the seat cut outs for the Pirelli webbing to be put in place.
Looking good
Nice work! The poor sap in the middle would have to watch their head to not get a head ache. :LOL:
Love it,Steve.. Nice seat base.. It's coming along real well..
Cheers guys, coming off this for a few days so won't be any updates, the good weather is back so I have my coupe back home, need to get it dialed in properly and get some road miles on it.
Good onya Steve.. Hey,,nice seat..Suits the cab,totally..