I agree, lookin' good!
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I agree, lookin' good!
The dash looks great! It is coming together now.
Attachment 71480Attachment 71481Attachment 71482Attachment 71483
Still inching my way toward starting the engine I decided to find a place for a battery. I dragged out the brake that I made, it bolts to my steel workbench. I bent up some stainless and made a cover. I ordered some welding cable to make up the leads.
Attachment 71487Attachment 71485Attachment 71486
I scored these beautiful seats on craigslist for a hundred bucks! They are out of a 2019 VW Golf with 1k miles. They have manual lumbar and height adjust, I just had to figure out the recline wiring. Working on mounting them today.
I wasn't looking for VW seats but I wanted something fairly new and tan. I have always liked VW seats though so I was very excited to find these.
Nice work on the battery box and nice score on the seats! That is a killer deal!
Times 3, great battery box setup and seats. Awesome metal break you made up. I like that a lot.
That looks like a great spot for the battery, A little work to get at it but you don't need a floor jack like mine. The seats are a great find too.
Actually got it running yesterday! Not without some glitches of coarse. I reversed the plugs on the PCM so it would blow a fuse every time I hooked up power to it. After I figured that one out it would try to start not not quite, it set a couple TAC and APP codes which is the drive by wire stuff. I pulled all that out and cleaned the connectors and it started. Put it into reverse and drive and it wanted to go so I'm hopeful the trans will work OK. I feel like it runs a little ruff, checked the compression and spark and that seemed ok. May have to do more testing.
Very nice! That has to be a booster in your motivation!
The first startup is always one of those milestones that you'll never forget. Usually guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
Killer rig; every bit as nice as going to the dealer and buying a new truck but 10 times as cool.
Thanks for the nice comments guys. I've been camping on the coast the last few days, kind of anxious to do some fine tuning on it. I'm wondering if my fuel pressure is a little to low. I got about 50-53 with the vacuum disconnected from the regulator on the fuel rail. I was reading 58 is normal.
I'm looking forward to more videos! My 5.3 is probably older with more miles but I needed intake gaskets right away. A proper tune fixed the rest of it.
Attachment 71919Attachment 71918Attachment 71920
I've been working on building the bed. It had a rough steel bottom so I cut it out and making it a wood bottom. I got the mounts done. Going to add some more bracing but ran out of steel. The fender still needs to be positioned and mounted, it's close. I need to figure out how I want to do the back finish panel and mount the tailgate.
I thought that too; but didn't like to say so.
It's a common thing on these but I think I like it the original way.
To each his own right??,, but can I ask a favor?? If you've the time could you humor me and grab a pic with the fenders swapped 'round!?!?! I've seen another truck like yours and it just seems to me that the fenders are backwards. I don't know if the opportunity will ever come again.. so if you have a chance.. could you humor me and show a pic with the fender the other way?? :eek::LOL::LOL: PLEASE??? :D
Yeah, Mike, I agree that at first glance, the fender looks kinda backwards so I googled this truck and after scrolling though all kinds of images of it, I notice this truck has all kinds of odd little design quirks that make it seem to work, sorta:eek:;)...but, I did find one where they swapped the back fenders around so we can save StudM5 the hassle of trying to appease you...:whacked::LOL::LOL::3dSMILE:
Well Thanks to you R2. I also had "googled" and searched for a pic so I could post what it might have been.
Hadn't stumbled upon this one. And this pic does appease me! LOL
I think it looks so much better than the "right way 'round"...
It's funny, to me that looks backwards.
Got the filler panels bent up and bolted in, now time to make the rear piece.
Attachment 71979Attachment 71980
Looking good!
I agree. They come out great and really "dress up" the whole box.
Any suggestions on how to make some running boards? I was thinking of cutting up some 2x10 steel tubing but I know its pretty heavy overkill stuff. Maybe I could find a place to bend up some 14 gauge , it that is strong enough.
I used White Oak on my 38 Chevy they held up real well.
White oak is a beautiful wood when finished. Quarter saw white oak is excellent!
The only other idea I might offer is maybe shop on ebay or the like and see if you can't score something that you can work with/modify. Even if it isn't long enough for instance you can maybe just use'em under the doors..
Or something like that.. LOL.. I wonder if you'll even need a running board? Maybe add a short step on a bracket? Or a polished aluminum square pad with some design in it/ on it...
I think I can rule out the tubing idea. I cut some 2x6 down the middle today to make a back panel for under the tailgate and it totally pretzeled up on me. I guess there are a lot of forces in tubing just waiting to get out.
Attachment 72085Attachment 72086
I had some 16 gauge bent up for the rear finish panel and running boards. Also welded in some brackets for the tailgate pivots.
Again nice work!
Thanks guys. Any suggestions on clever ways to latch the tailgate? I don't want to use chains.
I have seen some pretty cool hydrolic in bed lowing "shocks" like what is used to raise and lower rear hatches on SUV's, with pin latches that secure the gate when closed. Here is something similar with tailgate supports that are hinged steet that fold close with the gate, vs. the shock/struts with a great install photo sequence!
How To Install Hidden Tailgate Latches - Classic Chevy Truck - Brothers Classic Truck Parts
here is another system with plastic coated cables that I mau try on my 48 F1
that second setup is nice. Thanks Steve.