Looking good though I'd offer a suggestion. Put a couple of wire ty's/ ty wraps on your wires around the tank, I wouldn't want them flapping in the breeze.
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Looking good though I'd offer a suggestion. Put a couple of wire ty's/ ty wraps on your wires around the tank, I wouldn't want them flapping in the breeze.
Now were getting into the details of things, If I had a Ford I'd be done by now :LOL:
A bit better again. My phone can't decide what color it wants this pickup to be, It always seems to be mint green or florescent. My wife's phone is works much better.
I put in a new fuel fill on the tank, I needed a better way to fill the tank. I used an old mouse chewed , pee'd on , and rotten bed board that was once new to mock it up. I bought a push fill cap so we don't have to take the cap off to fill. This should be about it for now on this thing. Tomorrow I'm going to get the 5.3 motor and send the harness and ECM to https://www.schwankeengines.com/ to get reflashed for this application and add 20 hp, and the donor 4l60e trans will get pulled this week. I'm going to try to make this one of the quickest repowers in history :LOL:. I'll start a new thread on the swap.
Push-fill cap: that's new to me. How's it work?
I reckon it has something to do with pushing.
I have one of those on my '66 F100...
Attachment 67814
Hope to get the A/C in this weekend, thought I'd start with the heater. I already wish it had heat last week when it was 40 deg, and I hope to not stop driving it till the snow flies. It's a Vintage Air unit, I have nothing to compare it to but it seems good.
Got the wood bed stained and varnished. My wife used some sort of paint and wipe trick for the color and we have 4 coats of spar semi gloss varnish on to protect it. Hopefully we can put that in tomorrow night.
That dark stain looks good with the bright paint.
Got the wood bed in finally. It will be nice to have this done, I was sick of explaining,
" Yes, we are going to put a bed in it, we just haven't got that far yet "
Hmmmmm, Maybe I should swap this 5.3 for an electric motor :LOL: Drove it about an hour up North just because we could and went out to eat. I am tickled pink on how this thing drives, handles and rides and I'm also loving this 5.3 in here! So far we got about 300 miles on it without any glitches.
An electric motor???
HMmmmmm. .. it took you what - a week / 10 days to swap out the 348? I'd be willing to bet you could swap in the batteries and such overnight!:HMMM::rolleyes::eek::LOL::eek::LOL::D**)
The truck looks beautiful! Great Job!!
LMAO, :LOL::LOL: That does sound easier. I better not though, too big of a line of Teslas waiting to be charged at this station :LOL: I'd be surprised if they've been used even once. Good thing there was around 7 ports there.
your bed turned out beautiful.
Thanks, that was mostly my wife's doing, she did a black paint wipe on wipe off thing. I sprayed the varnish.
After about 4 good running days on the road and the 53 is getting real world driver lessons. Thursday it got hailed on at my wife's work, (no damage) then a muddy gravel road, and lastly a Black Birds stamp of approval on the bed :LOL: The good news is we checked milage tonight and it got 17.5, that was with trying to impress 3 nephews with the power it has **) I was super happy about that.
I think some folks call them "Badges of Honor!":LOL:
Very nice Seth! That's awesome it's doing great. Not so great on the hail situation. My Vette got hailed on last Wednesday night but luckily it was small stuff and there was no damage. That's great you like driving it now. I really wish I had my AC finished on my 72. I don't think I'll let the 40 out of the garage next spring without AC in it.
It's semi official, The 53 graduated from the shop to the garage. Aside from the AC it's about a wrap for this summer. I'm not sure what to do now, I think I'm co-dependent on working on this thing.
When I built my v8 miata I really enjoyed the process, never rushed it. I came to the conclusion that I enjoyed the build more than the finished product. So I try to enjoy the journey as well as the destination.
Finally got some A/C in. It didn't go as smoothly as planed. I hooked up the R4 compressor I've had for a long long time which was a rebuilt. I put some oil in it and turned the pump over a few times, then vacuumed it down, added another 7 ounces of oil and it ran for about 2 miles before it was making all kinds of terrible noises. The next night I took it off and the lines were all silver from the metal, so I ended up flushing the whole system. Nobody had a compressor so I grabbed a used one from the junk yard, ran the same dryer cause I didn't have another one and tried again. So far so good but I'll need to start over with a new compressor, drier and expansion valve if this one pukes.Today we needed to run the pickup up to the tuner to bump the idle up a bit and change how the lock up was working on the trans. That was about 4 hour round trip so I really wanted the air to work. It blows ice cold air by the way.:D
When we first got the 53 done my wife brought it to her sister who is also our insurance lady for it. The first thing she said was
" This thing is awsome! You have to name it cause it needs a name! I'm going to name it Rita for Limearita! " We didn't like the center caps on the wheels so I ordered some decals for them. I think she is going to flip out the next time she sees it :LOL::LOL:
That cold AC is the icing on the cake! You could probably get some of those limearita cans that bud light or who ever sells those drinks and cut the logos off and make a shiny aluminum emblem. :LOL: That's great it is making 4hr round trips too!
Lucky Rita. now just need A Meter Maid sign like the Beetles song!
Don't you mean the Beatles? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbwfpRuArRQ
The pickup (with A.C.) is looking good and I'll bet a pleasure to drive. Congrats!
Just about getting the interior wrapped up. We got the seat recovered and is looks pretty good. Not sure what got missed in the translation but it's not quite what we showed him but I'm too nice to tell him to do it over. The top pic is what we sent him and the bottom pic is what we got. I still like it but I do like what we showed him a bit more. We used the black material that was used on the seat and covered the cardboard door panels with it. That made them much easier to clean. I'm going to order some lap belts for it and try to find some decent floor mats and that should be it for awhile.
Maybe it's me and old age, but if I specify something in particular then I expect to get what I paid for. In your case he'd either be doing it over or come down considerably on the price, his choice. I do like the other style better, but what he did is easier to do.
Easier is the thing I thought of too. I'm just going to let it go, our kids go to the same school, we both have adopted children that we share difficulties with each other and we talk about church stuff back and forth. I don't wan't to trade all that in for the seat thing and having awkward looks with avoiding eye contact when we meet each other at school and in town.
Sorry,but I will agree with Ken, the chap took the easy route without your permission and certainly hasn't achieved what you asked for with a photo for him to see. I wonder if he only had so much material to use and instead of ordering more, he spanned the tucks so that what he had on hand would work ? If that isn't the case or otherwise, yes, I would be either asking for a damn good discount or I personally, would be asking for him to do as you asked at his cost as you will never ever be happy with the trim shop in your heart.
Just read your reply Seth so please disregard my thoughts as I understand the bigger picture now. You are a good man for taking others un wanted children into your home and giving them the love and kindness they need to become worth citizens and hopefully good Christians .
I didn't quite understand that either, he had more than enough black on the roll. I took the rest of the roll home to do the door panels. I do know that Ill have someone else do my Camaro when the time comes. Just read your edit , your right, there is a bigger picture. I'll just keep the Camaro info secret from him so all will be good.
I also get the "bigger picture" thing, but if he's willing to short change a "brother", what's he doing to others who don't share similar faith & values? If you don't at least have a conversation about it with him, then your sneaking around to get the Camaro seats done by someone else will potentially cause a bigger rift down the road. It's really none of my business but I find it quite annoying when supposed friends take advantage of a situation. He owes you an explanation, if nothing else. :HMMM:
I honestly don't think that intentionally shorted me, I think I know him better than that. He was proud as a Peacock of it. He charged me $800 to cut and sew the carpet and install it, and recover the seat. The place I was going to bring it to first was $400 for the carpet and $1500 for the seat. I didn't go here because it was cheaper, I didn't even know what the bill was till I paid the bill but it was low enough where I'm not out a lot if I have the seat straightened out later. Maybe I'll talk to him and see what he says. If I give to him later this fall he can have it all winter as it's kind of his sideline job.
That's great, Seth. Obviously, you know him way better than we do. It just sounded like you were kinda disappointed in the earlier post. We weren't privy to any of your conversations when placing the order. One thing I've learned about doing business with friends...detailed communication is key. I can't just assume they read my mind and will give me what I want. If every detail is covered then there's less chance of any misunderstandings. Your truck is looking great! Have a blast with it!!