Very nice, it looks really close to having the green on it!
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Very nice, it looks really close to having the green on it!
Wonderful space!
Been really crankin on this thing for the last few days. Got some pics of the paint process. A coat of etching primer, a coat of sealer and a few coat of Alien blood.
The Mrs and I were working on it till about 12:30 am Thurs getting the fenders on and finally putting the box and running boards on. I had it aligned on Wed and we drove it to town to my tire guy to order new rims and tires for it now that the box was on and we could do better measuring. Local shops are great, he went through a lot of work making sure it was all good. Friday we put about 30 miles on it going back and forth to town. Notice a blue Trailblazer in the back ground, that one is on deck for my 14 yr old.
The last few day I got a few more things finished up on the 53. I got my new Lokar throttle cable and it is day and night difference from the cheap knock off I had before. This things pulls easier in a figure 8 than the other did in a straight line. I also found the perfect gas pedal, it's from a Nissan Xterra . I did some mods and changes to it and it works perfect.
Also got my new Grant steering wheel in , it wasn't the cheapest one they sold but it's nice. I didn't go with the cheaper foam grip wheel cause I don't think it would have blended well the the rest of the interior. My wife was looking at 40 dollar wheels from Ebay and I said it ain't happening, not after the cheap Ebay gas pedal and cable experience. I also got the door sill plates in and step plates on. Later we started cutting the wood for the box. We used a dado blade for the 3/4 inch groove and it worked great.
Got a small list of little things that need to be dealt with, but for the most part I am very happy about how it runs and drives down the road. All the hush mat was well worth it, we were bucking a 30 mph wind and going 60 mph and it was fairly quiet in the cab, super happy about that. So far in 75 miles it only left us stranded one time. We were headed to town to fill it up with gas and made it about a mile and a half down the road and we ran out of gas. I'm pretty sure I need a new sending unit, the gauge seems to read different all the time. Other than that, Let the bug carnage begin!
Is the wood for a glove box? Also where you'd get the hush mat?
Seth, great work on the truck! It looks awesome. It'll only get better with the new wheels and tires! That's good to hear on the mat. That's on my list for some day!
It's looking Very Nice.
Thanks guys, Ryan is right, the wood is for the bed. I got the hushmat from amazon, not cheap but worth it. Right now I'm in keystone sd, right by the faces. My boy likes to do a lot of hiking which could be bad for me.
Enjoy your trip, and stay safe hiking. I saw on the news last night that in NE Iowa an 8 year old little girl fell off a path 60 or more feet to the ground and was life lighted to the hospital. Stay safe out there in those trails!
Tried photos from phone, they'll have to wait till I get back
Safe travels!
Great verse! God desires to have that close relationship with us and blesses us when we seek His wisdom and understanding above worldly things. Such was the case with King Solomon in 1st Kings, Chapter 3 "The Lord was so pleased with Solomon's request that he said; "See, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you." (Verse 12) Solomon became the wisest man that ever lived. But that isn't all. God told him that because he had asked for wisdom instead of long life, riches or the life of his enemies; "I have also given you what you have not asked: both riches and honor, so that there shall not be anyone like you among the kings all your days." (Verse 13)
Blessings on your Bible school, Seth!
Truck looks great. Should be a good driver as well. Enjoy the vacation.
Back from the Black Hills, I'll post pics on the lounge forum.
Learned a lesson today, changed out rear wheel spacers and made sure everything was good and tight on all the rims. Well, I was driving it down the highway today with my boy trying to figure out my overheating problem ( which is still a problem ) and I noticed a vibration at about 50 mph, up to 65 it went away and below 50 it went away. Thought I would just cripple it home the last couple miles and turned on our gravel road and about 3/4 of a mile down going about 20 , the rear drivers wheel decided to leave us and we came to a quick stop. I swear everything was tight but the evidence says otherwise, always double check things. I hate to think how it would have ended up going 65 down the highway and letting go.
Eesh. I had that happen to me on a 64 C10 I had just bought. Maybe lug nuts should be on a new vehicle check list. Glad you were limping along. Mine came off at about 35 mph and rolled into the woods.
Wow! That's pretty scary!! Any damage to the fender? Did you figure out why it came loose? I've run spacers on various vehicles for years with no issues. Well, if it had to happen, I'm glad it was at 20mph and not 65!!:eek::)
I hope there was no damage!
I don't think it was the spacers, I know the bolt holes on the rim weren't the nicest or the lugs very nice. Maybe they worked loose or maybe I only tightened one side. Thankfully there is very little damage to the fender. A little tire rash on the inside is all.
Glad you're OK and glad the truck is too.
I broke an axle on my 46 at about 65 on a 4-lane road (it's a long story). It was a wild ride.
Glad you and the son are ok.
And the damage is slight so ,, we can all start to breathe again. LOL..
I'm glad to hear you all are alright and there was no real damage. Usually it's not the steel wheels giving fits. I have spacers on the front of my 72 and when I first started driving it a lot every new wobble in a road had me leery about if I re checked the spacers or not. :LOL:
rims and tires are on, wow that helped !
Yes sir! That is a huge improvement! I like the truck's new look!
Nice looking truck
Wow and that colour really is great. Those rims and tyres really suit her so well done Seth, excellent job on the girl.
Dang that's sweet!
Absolutely stunning.
Bloody gorgeous.
A real bobby-dazzler.
That man deserves a DB.
A credit to you Seth.
Thanks a lot guys, I'm feeling more confident about the green paint :D . Sorry for lack of comments and updates. I've been getting to bed in the am instead of the pm lately.
The wheels do look nice on that truck. You did a great job on it. Now you gotta drive the wheels off it!
Those wheels look great, I like the stance too, not to low, not to high, that's what I'm going for on my truck.
Got exhaust on today, he did a fantastic job !
That does look very nice! Put that bed floor in there and you look to be very close to having it near done!