Personally I like the idea that professional drivers can do a single squat hunch stand. It's not asking much.
In an emergency, do you want to bet your life on a weak person? A very weak person?
You think on it. It's not about the simple tasks.
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Personally I like the idea that professional drivers can do a single squat hunch stand. It's not asking much.
In an emergency, do you want to bet your life on a weak person? A very weak person?
You think on it. It's not about the simple tasks.
Well, going back for my 50th High School reunion is a bust I guess. Originally it was supposed to be this weekend but got pushed back to mid September a couple of months ago (didn't break my heart.....I'm not real fond of the Midwest summers).
I got notified a couple of weeks ago it has now been cancelled for this year and they are shooting for it next year.
I'm still kicking around what I'm going to do. I thought about just making a trip back in Oct anyway just to see family but between the virus thing and the idiots rioting (which I suspect will just get worse the closer we get to the election) I'll probably just hold off and see what happens.
I sure hope the rioting morons just go away. Run the dems out and there won't be riots. Anyone else notice the rioting is only in lib or dem areas? I'm over the BS curfews especially if you work un normal hours.
they tried that crap in a few small towns down here . got their ass ran out of town . small towns dont play that game.
my opinion is let it burn . they voted for it .
The 57 in its natural habitat. In the garage and up on jack stands :LOL: by M Patterson, on Flickr
Actually just an oil change and a check over. Last year’s 50th High School reunion got cancelled and rescheduled to next month. I’m still planning on driving the car back to Illinois. I really haven’t driven it that much since I got it ready last year so it’s basically ready to go. I ‘m going to make a trip to Tucson in it sometime in the next couple of weeks mostly just to check the gas mileage since I switched to the dual quads.
I’ve been driving it around locally over the last couple of months just to see if any bugs show up… far so good, for the car anyway. For me it pretty much depends on the day. Some days are great and on other days my left leg gives me fits.
I’ve actually been kicking around the idea of turning in my man card and pulling the 4 speed and throwing the 46RH I had built in it. On the bad days it sure is tempting :rolleyes: . The 46RH was built for a future project that’s back-burnered for the time being. I figure I’ll hold up on that decision till after the reunion and see how that trip goes.
I did pick up half a Hemi a couple weeks ago. Dave and I went halfs on it figuring to either sell it at some point of just keep it around for parts in case either of us needs something. It’s just a 331 but it’s complete and has a decent pair of heads.
If you come through Springfield on I44 shoot me an email and I'll meet you for a cup of coffee. There's a Cracker Barrel just off the interstate at the eastern edge of Springfield.
My v8 Miata has a stiff clutch, if I get caught in a stop and go I'm in trouble. I really prefer autos these days.
Don’t do it, Mike! Dual quads without a stick shift? It’ll never run right! ��
I gotta call this;
I've been running dual quads since I was in high school (back in the 60's), on both sticks and automatics (automatics work better with a higher stall). Currently running dual quads in front of TH350 in my sedan.
JMHO, it really boils down to tuning, you'll need to spend a little more time tuning dual quads (or any multiple carb set up) and the motor to match, but that's about it.
Most people either don't understand or are afraid to really get into carburetor tuning, add multiple carbs and the myths and fears abound.
Truth, once tuned to the motor multiple carbs will idle and run great!
I have an Offy 360º dual quad manifold in the garage just waiting for it's place on the Vette. I also have a couple of AFB's, actually Eddy's, for it as well.
Hey 36... I think he was a just kiddin' around! But then you already knew that right?!?! wink wink.. LOL.
“…….Don’t do it, Mike! Dual quads without a stick shift? It’ll never run right!.....”
I know right. This poor old car’s been on a downward spiral ever since I added a cup holder. Then it was change from 3 carbs to only 2 (ok so I went from 6 barrels to 8 …..but still) then power steering, now maybe an automatic. Hell it’s turning into an old man car in front of my very eyes. :LOL:
“……..I have an Offy 360º dual quad manifold in the garage just waiting for it's place on the Vette. I also have a couple of AFB's, actually Eddy's, for it as well…….”
I ran that setup on a 65 Chevy Biscayne (a proper car with a 4 speed LOL). It worked out great, just a fun dependable set up.
Half a hemi's better than none.......................