Alright, I'm back. Been absent a while, for a couple of reasons. Momma wanted a new kitchen, so I spent the last couple weekends adding trim to cabinet doors, painting all the cabinets and installing new countertops. I didn't mind the old stuff, but I figured she lets me escape to the shop more often then she asks for my help with literally anything, so I don't mind putting my projects on hold to make her happy. Also been "working" longer hours during the week. My place of employment offered to put me through an electronics troubleshooting course at the local community college, so I took them up on the offer, but it left very little time to spend with my family, so once again I decided it best to let the car wait. No regrets about that, it's not going anywhere, and my little girl is only getting bigger and more independent.
I finally got back at it this afternoon, though. Fixed some of that Swiss cheese structure inside the cowl today. I didn't focus too much on making it look pretty, because it can't be seen once it's all back together. Used 16g to make the patch and burned it in with the MIG. by Ryan Mazingo, on Flickr
Also used some 16g scrap to make a couple small brackets to brace the lower door frame, now that its been beaten back into the correct location. The brackets fit into the bottom of the A-pillar and stretch diagonally across to the lower cowl structure and up to the inner toe board support. I think they'll do just fine for what I had in mind. by Ryan Mazingo, on Flickr
Also, final update on the compressor (hopefully). I went ahead and replaced the pump. Couldn't have the question lingering in the back of my mind, what with having just dropped a bunch of money on the new motor and all. I still need to drill some cooling holes in the belt cover I made for it, but it's not a big concern right now with the temperature as low as it's been. I also replaced the in-tank check valve, now it holds 125psi for 2 days without a noticable drop (testing only, I drain it every night when in use). Glad to finally have my big compressor back, the 110v Craftsman wasn't up to the task as a permanent solution. by Ryan Mazingo, on Flickr