Man, I think it would be great, but I've been planning on going for the last 5 years or so. :D For anyone who doesn't know what we're talking about this site has some background
and link to the Tulsarama web site
I used to have a link that actually had some footage of the car being buried but that doesn't seem to work anymore.
As far as room information, I've used the information from the Forwardlook site,
There are a few people staying a Stroud and a lot staying at the Double Tree (about a 1 1/2 blocks from the site), and there May still be a few rooms available there.
The car itself is supposed to be dug up on the 15th (Fri) and I've recently saw a post indicating that there will be an all makes car show somewhere on the 16th.
Personally, I'll be leaving here on 12 or 13 and arriving on the 14th and staying through till Sun morning sometime then heading to Illinois to visit family.
I'm hearing rumblings that this may be a bigger event than Tulsa expects, besides the Forward Look and Plymouth Owners/Chrysler Owners clubs, there going to be pretty good contingents from the 300 Club and Prowlers club......and just a bunch of car people. I've even read some posts from a couple of guys in Europe that are planning on shipping there cars back from Europe just so they can drive them too it and at least a few coming in from Australia. Personally I hope (and suspect I will) see a lot of ALL makes there.
If your real young and can't make this one, I guess you can always wait till 2048 and watch them dig up the Prowler Tulsa buried in 1998, **) for me anyway this should be a once in a lifetime event.