If you can't go pee on your lawn - look at the stars - smoke the last ciggie of the day - think about what you're going to do tomorrow - you're too damned close to town!
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If you can't go pee on your lawn - look at the stars - smoke the last ciggie of the day - think about what you're going to do tomorrow - you're too damned close to town!
finally i found a new to me corolla .. after 3 mothns of gregslist and fakebook looking sunday i rode up to my local toyota dealer and saw this car sitting on the lot but it had a SOLD sticker sitting on it ,, Blahh .. today i go back up there and the same car is still sitting there and i inquire about it and the previous purchaser backed out .. someone from Ohio they said ..i said what is the cash drive away price .. 8000 $ .. i jumped all over it ,, 170 thousand miles on the meter but that did not bother me ,, mine had 220 grand when it was totaled and ran perfect ,, this car is in even better shape than mine was .. ity`s an 010 with an automatic trans ,, i got tired of swapping gears ,, the suzuki is a wonderful machine but is a gas drinker and will become a backup driver just ahead of the pinto .. i finally got a rearend in the pinto and got it to crank when cold by hot wiring the coil to a toggle switch ..iv`e gone from car poor to car rich in a matter of a few hours ..this thing is like new ,, i think it was driven one tine 7 times around the world :rolleyes: ,
Well, good luck with it. Hope you have it longer than the last one... 8-)
so i guess another good thing about having these cheap fly by night insurance companies is that victims such as myself can never get in touch with the offenders insurer .. my wreck was 3 months ago and i have not heard a word from anyone .. i`m very displeased with my provider even though i only had liability ,, i`ve been with them for over 40 years and an agent is a relative of mine ,, i have called the offending persons company 2 dozen times and have waited about a week while elevator music plays .. i`m nearly at the point of hiring legal service ,, i d[d not want to go that route .. i admit i F`D up by not going to the hospital .. i had blood on my face and had a mild concussion for two weeks after but i was in shock at the moment ,, i was picking up pieces of my car while traffic was whizzing by at 70 mPH and other witnesses telling me to stop .. go to the general and save some time .. yeah but not my time !!!!
Hoss, go back and read - http://www.clubhotrod.com/hot-rod-lo...tml#post594684 #1554
What do you expect someone from her insurance company to say to you on the phone? They won't admit any liability, it's up to you to either file a claim or hire an attorney. Your insurance, since you had only liability, has zero interest in the accident since you obviously weren't at fault, no liability. You didn't pay them to represent you for collision/comprehensive. It seems that the "file a claim" option isn't going to work for you, so you're left with "hire a lawyer" or "chalk it up to experience and forget about it."
do all cars nowadays have the computer assisted start ? on my XL7 all you do is turn the key to start and let go and the computer takes over and finishes cranking it up .. i never knew if my 09 corolla had this feature and many times when i started it the starter would grind and even stick .. maybe it had the start assist and i was doing it wrong .. this new to me 010 i think has the same system but i cant find anything to confirm that .. a flaw i have noticed with it is that it will shift into over drive prematurely then kick back out and speed up a bit more then kick back in ,, may be my driving technique ,, i am not hard on a car ,, everybody runs off and leaves me leaving stop lights then i meet them again at the next one ..
I think that the "keyless start" feature and "remote start" feature kind of happened around the same time. But to use the remote starters some "safety controls" had to be defeated and voided some warranties, like manual tranny cars you were supposed to hold down the clutch pedal and some other cars you had to hold down the brake pedal. Those had to be bypassed to make the remote system work.. Of course the OEM's screamed blue murder because the car had been certified safe and now they would be held responsible and most importantly Liable . Almost overnight many corner shops tore down the signs advertising the install of those remote systems and the OEM's took over that feature. I cannot name the specific year this all came about but I remember reading about GM being sued because of a Camaro that started remotely and plowed into a building or house. The dumb owner left the car in gear and remote started it since the "safety" was defeated, by the local shop on the corner who installed a remote start system.. I think I'd be right in guessing maybe 10 -12 years have gone by since the OEM's began keyless start / remote start ... what a winding path that is! LOL
I know that the Jeep JK that was introduced for 2007 was the first with the "momentary input" starter feature, because I saw a guy destroy his engine and fry his wiring harness when he hit the key after stalling with a wall of water. Once energized the system watched for a fixed number of rotations, and he'd hydraulic locked his engine. Bent 3 of the 6 rods, burned out the starter and its wiring. I think others were around the same time.
several hundred posts ago i mentioned that i was finally getting my last edition of hot rod mag ,, i noted that i had not paid for a subscription in nearly 20 years .. i had not even opened most of them .. today this arrives in my mailbox .. it`s good till 2027 ..????? ...
Not to argue, but where your mailing label says "OCT 2022" mine says "JULY 2024" which is my end of subscription. The "0527" (same number on my label) is just a sequential number, not a date. I'd say your run has ended.
With close to 200,000 on his 2014 Dodge Crewcab with a 5.7 the son told me it it started to make some noise. Can’t understand why…joe
WOW! That is some damage!! What's the plan? Repair or replace?
clean it, measure it, then decide?
Actually the lifter was still moving believe it or not. Personally I think the boy should tear it apart and check and clean everything with that much metal lost from the cam. And I will advise him of that….joe
https://flic.kr/p/2nUxEE2 <~~ video of roller lifter damage
More than likely, and the kid does this for a living at the local caterpillar dealership. He’s putting a stage one cam new lifters and everything in it, but I’ve told him if it was me I would pull it apart clean the block check the bearings and everything. Since he’s gonna have it 3/4 of the way pulled apart anyway. It’s hard to believe that 30+ years ago that little short kid that was greasing bearings and being my Jack man would grow up to be a certified Cummins mechanic and have grease running through his veins like his dear old dad did at that age. Like myself, he love pulling wrenches not only for a living but as a hobby too.
I agree with you. The cam is wiped and all the metal filings went somewhere. Even the lobe to the right of the worst is gone away. Good deal on the "Little Guy" all grown and spinning spanners now. And we also agree on being so close to being apart, just do it all for the piece of mind at 200K miles. Just my 2 cents anyway! :3dSMILE:
I've got a 6.0 with 225 k and it was going to slap in and run, makes me think I should go through it, even though I don't want to.
I was invited to Myrtle Beach and my son and his family are showing up also and this just happens to be my view outside the window…
In the distance is Apache Pier, the longest wooden pier on the East Coast… joe
Talk about a room with a view! WOW..
53.. better check the cam!
Ya gotta do Whatsa gotta do when you break a tap off in your engine block. Was finishing up cleaning some of the threads on my six cylinder and as I went to remove the tap and it broke off flush :eek: :eek: Time to get some washers, a nut along with the welder out and do some magic. Thank God I have some idea of what I am supposed to be doing….joe
ouch.. dang I hate when that happens.. but you got it out in one piece. 8-)
When it happened I just dropped my tools and walked away from it for about a half hour to 45 minutes before I went back out in the garage and decided to see if I could get this out. I figured that was the best thing to do rather than cuss and take a hammer to the block, lol. Yes I kept my cool….joe
recently my little grip and grab tool broke and i pondered as to whether to get a new one or with my mechanical wizardry come up with a fix for this one ,, the rubber piece that snaps it back closed had broken .. i tried a few glues and none would work ,, today i thought about concocting a spring steel type lever that i could affix to it and keep on trucking .. after fashioning such a thing out of a close hanger i realized that it would not spring back ... spring back i thought .. i scrounged about the garage and found this coil spring from who knows what and attached it to my tool and low and behold we have a good as new grip and grab ,, just in time to as i was getting up to my ankles in pine cones ,, for a lot of years bending over to pick them up was not a problem ..
For some odd reason my son told his wife that he was cooking steak this night while working on the heads from his Ram Truck , lol…joe
Nice... um.. workshop?!?! LOL
Reminds me of the time in the Navy when I stopped by to visit a Navy mech friend at the duplex he shared with two other sailors, and he had the engine out of his MGB in their living room with parts scattered on every horizontal surface!! At least your son put down cardboard on the table!!
The mechanic and his helper at work…joe
I see he got the cylinder heads out of the dishwasher! LOL
i probably will get the before and after pics reversed but you will get the jist .. i have already documented my flat black changes to most of the chrome on this vehicle and to go farther today i added a black side decal .. it is kind of hard to spot .. i am looking for some kind of black wheels also .. i am looking for stock aluminum mags for the corolla also .anf thinking of exterior mods to do to it .. even when not hot rodding one must still be modifying if it`s in the blood ,,
HA !! i actually do have a grand daughter but iv`e never seen her :(.. i drive this way more than i drive the corolla .. i have not even ran out the free tank of gas that it came with .. i had a muffler shop delete the muffler but it only made a very slight difference in loudness and of course no additional power surge that i can feel ..
And the battery died during the computer upgrade.
Should be driving it tomorrow….
A good mechanic always has a good helper with them.
Reminds me of myself when Joe Jr was just a child…joe
Not only did Joe have help from his son but his wife climbed up into the engine bay and helped him tighten down the intake bolts and what not so it was truly a family affair fixing the truck this time.
And it’s alive….joe
https://flic.kr/p/2nZ3zw3 Yes he put an exhaust cut out on the exhaust on this particular truck while putting the cam and other parts in it
This is what happens when your little finger gets in a fight with a sawzall with a wood cutting blade in it and loses. Surprisingly enough it doesn’t hurt as bad as it looks. But I definitely was dancing around on my tippy toes when I washed it out. :rolleyes: :whacked: :whacked: : Yes, it did look like hamburger meat under the flap of skin, who needs finger prints anyway. No I didn’t go to the hospital or urgent care to get stitches. I would’ve use electrical tape, but there was none around so it was gauze and surgical tape….joe
Super glue works great at sealing up the edges of a cut, not sure if the AMA approves of it or not but it works!