Man, I know from whence you are coming - - - I had them in my right eye (upper right quadrant of my head) in 1995 and it was not the most pleasant experience, as you well know. My doctor put me in the Hospital for 5 days with an IV drip of acyclovere (???) and it helped some but resting or sleeping comfortably was out of the question for several weeks. It's an itch you can't scratch and a soreness you can't rub for some reason.
I'm wondering, however, can you take the shingles shot if you've already had them? Seems like someone told me that you couldn't or it didn't do any good - - - can't remember which.
Now that I think about it, I'm wondering if that could have lead to my recent detached Retina problems??? Hmmmm
Good Luck with your recovery and I hope you don't get a relapse which they told me was possible - - - so far I haven't had any problem and I hope you don't either.