Thread: random stuff
02-02-2008 09:49 AM #1
random stuff
i started such a thread during our down time but it seems it`s not coming back so without further adu here it is again .. there are times i wish to share things that arent nescessarily car related ( before the " that has nuthin to do with car stuff posts start ,, look at the line under HOT ROD LOUNGE ) a place to talk about non car related things .. i come here to share more than i come to get .. when i have nuthin more to share i`m gone ..i spent most of this morning doing one of my fav nice weather things .. i sat at the car wash in hazel green and "car watched " .. sometimes some cool stuff goes by .. especially when a show is in the area or when the drag strip opens back up ..
Last edited by HOSS429; 02-02-2008 at 09:55 AM. Reason: add pic
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
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02-02-2008 09:55 AM #2
Nice weather things----I've got to decide if I want to pick up propane for the BBQ or another can of diesel for the snow blower
02-02-2008 10:06 AM #3
nice chevy.. hoss 429Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip
02-02-2008 10:07 AM #4
Originally Posted by jerry clayton
Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip
02-03-2008 08:36 AM #5
there are enuff old codgers on here to know some of the health questions i want good answers to
( 1) what is truely a good skin moisturiser ,, i have terrible bad dry skin ..
( 2) what is truely good for dry eyes and floaters
( 3) the more i work out the weaker i seem to be getting .. is there a sure fire food supplement thats a good picker upper ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
02-03-2008 09:38 AM #6
Originally Posted by HOSS429
(2) i have floaters nothing you can do for them i use eye drops artificial tears (3) i have them same thing no power but what i have taken in the past was eniva supplements but the cost was hi for them and have taken the sea weed pills to just did not do much. you may want to look at some good omega -3oil and some liquid chlorophyll you can get this at a heath food store . what i take for pain is spice ground turmeric and cinnamon and alot of hot chiles peppers .alot of the over the counter supplements do not work your body will not see the supplement in a usable form and your body just will pass it or a hi buildup of supplement and you can get poisoned
Last edited by pat mccarthy; 02-03-2008 at 09:48 AM.
Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip
02-03-2008 11:21 AM #7
For dry winter skin, get some "Aveno" soap--it is a soap made of oatmeal, and is very effective as a moisturizing soap. If your water comes from a well, have its hardness checked---you may benefit from installing a water softner system. For dry eyes, go to the drug store and ask for a product called "Artificial Tears"----as far as food based "picker uppers". one of the best working (albeit foulest tasting) supplements available is Geritol. Have your thyroid level checked at the doctors (a simple blood test) Many, many, boomers suffer from thyroid deficiency, and although it has no BIG physical indicators, chronic tiredness and a diminished sex drive are two of the more obvious symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland.Old guy hot rodder
02-03-2008 12:57 PM #8
the dry skin does seem to manifest itself soon after a shower so some kind of oil based cleansor does make good sense .. i use the eye drops already .. my eyes feel almost like they are constantly dilated .. very bothersome .. iv`e had graves disease ( hyper thyroid ) so i`m very aware of what that little thing in the throat can do .. perhaps a visit to the DR , is in order ,, geritol gives me a big red rash in the area of my kidney,, centrom A to Z makes me more red faced than i am already heart rate - blood pressures and sugar levels are all perfect .. i dont know about my red or white blood cell count .. that may be an indicator .. just a few years ago i was running 5 miles almost daily then an injury set me back .. iv`e been trying for 6 months now and cant even run around my home .. severe muscle burn sets in immediatelyiv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
02-03-2008 01:00 PM #9
try the chlorophyllIrish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip
02-03-2008 02:30 PM #10
Originally Posted by HOSS429
Stop bathing with Comet cleanser!
Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon
It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.
02-03-2008 02:49 PM #11
Originally Posted by Bob Parmenter
yes try a soap with no heavy perfume in it and stop using white wall beach for soap
Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip
02-03-2008 07:29 PM #12
Yeah, all them new soaps are dangerous.... I'll stick with lacquer thinner followed by hand cleaner with pumice afterwards!!!! Only thing I've found to help my hands at all in this cold weather crap is a product called udder balm....
As for all the rest of the conditions, I've been battling a variety of conditions for the last 25 years.... Nothing much has helped.Last edited by Dave Severson; 02-03-2008 at 07:34 PM.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
02-04-2008 06:19 PM #13
my V6 pinto was giving me a little grief tonite coming from the gym .. wanting to run out of gas .. i had to pull the manual choke about all way out to limp home .. found the fuel filter about 3 thirds stopped up .. didnt have one so i just left it off .. went down the road in 2nd gear for about a mile at near 80 mph so i think i found the problem .. but i will drive my truck a day or two till i get confidence back in the beaniv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
02-04-2008 07:33 PM #14
Udder balm medicated from Farm & Fleet
And if I found a blocked fuel filter I would never take it off and run the engine without it---the filter did its job and caught the trash and junk, without it the junk will end up in the carb or injectors
02-05-2008 06:28 PM #15
coming back from my workout tonite a whole bunch a sherrifs deputies go blowing by me and very quickly disappear from my site .. i go by a house where some kids are that i sort of know .. they know me better cause of my cars .. they are outside working on what looks like a 68 GTO .. i`m in my V6 pinto so i says to meself i will go back by in my V8 pinto and give them a show . i fly home and fire up the beast .. headers open ..i rumble down a back road so i can get a good run at zooming by the kids like a crazy man.. i top a hill and there are about a dozen county cops - ambulances - helicopters . news media you name it .no doubt a shooting had occured as there was no accident ..they were at a house where some crack heads hang out.. luckily i was able to quickly hit neutral -kill the engine and coast quietly by ..1/4 mile away i bust it back off and limp towards home .. i didnt show out but i gave the kids a good redline rev as i went by ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
You're welcome Mike, glad it worked out for you. Roger, it's taken a few years but my inventory of excess parts has shrunk a fair bit from 1 1/2 garage stalls to about an eight by eight space. ...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI