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  1. #1651
    shine's Avatar
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    Corona ointment is all i use. grandpa would lather that stuff on anything from sunburn to amputations. speeds healing and stops infections. i'm a painter so i use paper towel and masking tape.

  2. #1652
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TooMany2count View Post
    Nope, but I am an expert on cuts, scrapes and scars. Just using Neosporin and keeping it cleaned and bandage. Too late for stitches or anything else now. If it gets bad then I’ll go see a doctor
    Oddly it doesn’t hurt unless it gets hit….joe
    Having recently had minor surgery with 12 lovely stitches in my upper clavicle area, I've was told not to use Neosporin, but to clean with a combination of 7/8 water and 1/8 peroxide, then coat it with petroleum jelly then bandage to keep the wound and area around it soft, once the stitches were removed, it was highly recommended that I use "Mederma PM" intense overnight scar cream. As the surgeon who did the work is also a great friend, and I know where he lives , I took this as the best of the best in terms of post surgical care. 4 weeks out, and the scar is healing nicely.

    Bill S.
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  3. #1653
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    Quote Originally Posted by shine View Post
    Corona ointment is all i use. grandpa would lather that stuff on anything from sunburn to amputations. speeds healing and stops infections. i'm a painter so i use paper towel and masking tape.
    Being a mechanic, I normally just wrap electrical tape or masking tape around cuts on my fingers and hands.

    Quote Originally Posted by mrmustang View Post
    Having recently had minor surgery with 12 lovely stitches in my upper clavicle area, I've was told not to use Neosporin, but to clean with a combination of 7/8 water and 1/8 peroxide, then coat it with petroleum jelly then bandage to keep the wound and area around it soft, once the stitches were removed, it was highly recommended that I use "Mederma PM" intense overnight scar cream. As the surgeon who did the work is also a great friend, and I know where he lives , I took this as the best of the best in terms of post surgical care. 4 weeks out, and the scar is healing nicely.

    Bill S.
    The only reason I use Neosporin it’s what I had at the moment.

    I know all about clavicle surgery, had my right one 90% removed about 10yrs ago because of an infection to the joint. Had stitches in for 4 months, not pleasant at all.

    The one thing I have going for me is the fact that I heal very very quickly. Whenever I have stitches or staples, they gotta come out in 10 days or I remove them because my skin grows over them. I figure by the end of the week it’ll be pretty much healed up. But I’m going to keep an eye on it and if it gets bad I’ll be off to the doctor….joe
    Last edited by TooMany2count; 11-29-2022 at 05:08 PM.
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  4. #1654
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    It’s never ending. A few days before I tried to cut the tip of my pinky finger off I had stepped on a toothpick . It broke off and Renee and myself couldn’t tell if anything was still in my foot and we both tried to get anything out. Just a tiny sliver came out and we thought that was it. It was sore as hell, but there was a tiny hole in my heel where it had broken off and we both thought the soreness was because of being stabbed in the heel by the toothpick. Tonight while staying in a hotel in Reno I decided to squeeze the hell out of the spot and out popped the tip of the toothpick. There was instant relief. Nothing like injuring yourself twice in one week….joe
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    Last edited by TooMany2count; 11-29-2022 at 11:12 PM.
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  5. #1655
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    That last one was almost funny! except splinters can almost always be the worst pain on earth! LOL..
    HMMmmm... the things that pop out in hotel rooms! LOLOLOL ... HAHAHAHA 8-) Sorry Joe... (not sorry!)
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  6. #1656
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    The body always decides what it doesn't want in it. Lol
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  7. #1657
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    That last one was almost funny! except splinters can almost always be the worst pain on earth! LOL..
    HMMmmm... the things that pop out in hotel rooms! LOLOLOL ... HAHAHAHA 8-) Sorry Joe... (not sorry!)

    What happens in Reno stays in Reno …. lol..joe
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  8. #1658
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    Quote Originally Posted by 53 Chevy5 View Post
    The body always decides what it doesn't want in it. Lol
    Isn’t that the truth….joe
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  9. #1659
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    Thought I’d give an update on me almost cutting the tip of my finger off. Healing up pretty good for what I did about 3wks ago Only side effect is a bit of numbness on the side of the finger, otherwise all is good ….joe
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  10. #1660
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    it`s about 1975 or so .. the gas crisis had hit and rationing was taking place .. you could only buy 5 $ worth of gas at a time even if you were the only car in line ,, i circled the parking lot several times at this store to fill my tank .. at 30 cents a gallon this store must have closed very soon after that ..
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    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  11. #1661
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    Quote Originally Posted by TooMany2count View Post
    Thought I’d give an update on me almost cutting the tip of my finger off. Healing up pretty good for what I did about 3wks ago Only side effect is a bit of numbness on the side of the finger, otherwise all is good ….joe
    The finger is looking pretty good, especially considering you didn't get any stitches or super glue it!!

    I was working on some fun stuff for grandkids, and decided to make a few yo-yo's. I had cut the rounds, but needed to round over the outside edge so I turned to the router table and a 1/2" roundover bit for a nice profile. Took one of the sides and with my middle finger of the left hand pressing down on the center of the blank fed it into the blade, rotating it with my right hand. About 1/2 way around the blank caught the blade, flew across the shop and my left middle finger, pressing down hard went into the blade that was rotating at about 25,000 rpm and quickly was pulled back up. To this day I can almost count the hits of that blade at seven, and as a 1/2" roundover it fit the profile of my middle finger pretty good, but it took a clean cut layer off of my fingertip about 1/16" thick. If my "feeling count" was right, my finger tip was in contact with the blade for a bit less than 0.02 seconds - bap, bap, bap, bap, bap, bap, bap, bap.

    My wife had her bridge group upstairs, so I grabbed a clean rag, wrapped my finger and walked up from the basement. Susan looked over, and I said, "I'm going to make a quick run to the ER to let them take a look at my finger. It's OK, but I'd feel better letting them look at it." At the ER the doctor looked and said, "Exactly what do you want me to do with this? All I can do is clean it up, apply some ointment and bandage it!" I told him, "That sounds like a good plan."

    That was at least 25 years ago, and the feeling is just about back to "pre-router" condition, with just a bit of residual numbness.

    Merry Christmas!!
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  12. #1662
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    Damn Roger and I thought I was bad. Don’t know which was worse but my vote goes to yours.,..joe
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  13. #1663
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    Quote Originally Posted by TooMany2count View Post
    Damn Roger and I thought I was bad. Don’t know which was worse but my vote goes to yours.,..joe
    I'd say we both learned new respect for the tools we use, and that they can bite! Glad you're healing in time to unwrap packages!
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  14. #1664
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    And it lives, the 2014 Ram that Joe, his wife and son was working on. Now all he has to do is reprogram the transmission to shift properly with the new cam and other parts
    Last edited by TooMany2count; 12-18-2022 at 01:31 PM.
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  15. #1665
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    That's a very clean 2014!!
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    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

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