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Thread: Kiwis on Route 66

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  1. #16
    TOW'D is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    have a great trip Johnboy and Rosie
    be sure to drive on the "right" side of the road
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  2. #17
    johnboy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: `47 Ford sedan, A.C.Cobra replica.

    Thank mate!
    Looking forward to it!
    This 'right' side driving is one of the main reasons we'll be picking up Dick and Susie Smelser in Oklahoma . . . they'll be doing the driving so that I can look at the scenery.
    Mountain man. (Retired.)
    Some mistakes are too much fun to be made only once.
    I don't know everything about anything, and I don't know anything about lots of things.

    '47 Ford sedan. 350 -- 350, Jaguar irs + ifs.
    '49 Morris Minor. Datsun 1500cc, 5sp manual, Marina front axle, Nissan rear axle.
    '51 Ford school bus. Chev 400 ci Vortec 5 sp manual + Gearvendors 2sp, 2000 Chev lwb dually chassis and axles.
    '64 A.C. Cobra replica. Ford 429, C6 auto, Torana ifs, Jaguar irs.

  3. #18
    johnboy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Severson View Post
    then in the early 80's 4 of us did the whole route on scooters and had a blast!-----Parts of the journey remain classified to this day!!!!!!!!
    A mis-spent youth is a thing of joy forever!

    Mountain man. (Retired.)
    Some mistakes are too much fun to be made only once.
    I don't know everything about anything, and I don't know anything about lots of things.

    '47 Ford sedan. 350 -- 350, Jaguar irs + ifs.
    '49 Morris Minor. Datsun 1500cc, 5sp manual, Marina front axle, Nissan rear axle.
    '51 Ford school bus. Chev 400 ci Vortec 5 sp manual + Gearvendors 2sp, 2000 Chev lwb dually chassis and axles.
    '64 A.C. Cobra replica. Ford 429, C6 auto, Torana ifs, Jaguar irs.

  4. #19
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    You should try & go to the St Louis City Museum
    Here is a Lot of Pictures of the inside & outside of it.

    And YES, I have stood in the doorway of the bus.......

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  5. #20
    rspears's Avatar
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    While you're kicking around Chicago getting over the jet lag, one thing we did there that we really enjoyed was the Shedd Aquarium - Shedd Aquarium - Chicago | Home It's in an old, old classic building, and very nicely done with fishes of all types and from a wide range of area.

    The Chicago Art Institute is said to have a fabulous museum, but then there are about a dozen art museums that pop up when you Google "Chicago Art Museum". Did find this, EnjoyIllinois.com | The Official Web Site of the Illinois Office of Tourism which might give some tips - now if you can just find that red & black Firebird to rent....., or to take home??

    Here's Visit Missouri - ROUTE 66 in Missouri | VisitMO.com Every state is going to have a travel/visitor site set up, so maybe if you haven't already you'll burn off some anticipation energy with a bit more key travel....

    Looking forward to seeing you at the Old Marais River Run in Ottawa!! Should be a good time as long as the weather cooperates....
    Last edited by rspears; 09-01-2013 at 05:22 AM.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  6. #21
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    OK----O'hare airport to down town where 66 begins----Shedd Aq is on lake front and so is museum across the street---further down is Museum of Science and industry--German sub, coal mine, land speed record car(rear fenders is what my front wheel covers were down scaled from) AND a B727 that I actually flew many times!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is suggested to have the route 66 map of the early streets for an expedient exit from CHICAGO----------

    Once you get out by suburbs you can ease up ------------

    If you want I will call Funks Grove to see if they have any syrup left as they sell out altho when there in July my niece bought 48 bottles to give there customers for Christmas this year---just a few miles further down the road is Atlanta,Il where they have a historical section of town with small shops etc--my sister and her husband have a baseball/sports memorbia booth and man the store once every 8 days (they all take turns)
    At south side of Springfield and a couple other places on I 55 towards St Louis are some large lots of early cars (mainly 50s up) but for real early stuff (30s etc-) you will want to wait til further west----after Rolla Mo and west don't stop swiveling your head as they are behind every barn all the way to California------
    Last edited by jerry clayton; 09-01-2013 at 08:20 AM.

  7. #22
    MelloYello's Avatar
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    JB, if you aren't already excited enuff with all of this member input - - - - take a "lookie/listen to" this little ditty.
    Get Your Kicks On Route 66 - YouTube
    " I'm drinking from my saucer, 'cause my cup is overflowed ! "

  8. #23
    randyr's Avatar
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    When you're going thru Oklahoma, you should stop by my momma's house and have her give you a loaf or two of her homemade bread!
    lamin8r likes this.
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  9. #24
    johnboy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by TooMany2count View Post
    You should try & go to the St Louis City Museum
    Here is a Lot of Pictures of the inside & outside of it.

    And YES, I have stood in the doorway of the bus.......
    You're a better man than I am Gunga Din!
    There's no way In the world I would do that!

    Thanks for the links too!
    Mountain man. (Retired.)
    Some mistakes are too much fun to be made only once.
    I don't know everything about anything, and I don't know anything about lots of things.

    '47 Ford sedan. 350 -- 350, Jaguar irs + ifs.
    '49 Morris Minor. Datsun 1500cc, 5sp manual, Marina front axle, Nissan rear axle.
    '51 Ford school bus. Chev 400 ci Vortec 5 sp manual + Gearvendors 2sp, 2000 Chev lwb dually chassis and axles.
    '64 A.C. Cobra replica. Ford 429, C6 auto, Torana ifs, Jaguar irs.

  10. #25
    dmw56's Avatar
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    Moriarty: car yard, all for sale. If you're stopping at Archie Lewis' yard then it's none for sale.
    Try this place east of Tucumcari.

    Livin' on Route 66

  11. #26
    johnboy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: `47 Ford sedan, A.C.Cobra replica.

    Roger: thanks for the links; I can see there's an awful lot we're just going to have to bypass . . . the time budget just won't allow it.
    There's a couple of hours reading on this site alone:
    EnjoyIllinois.com | The Official Web Site of the Illinois Office of Tourism
    And the link to the Shedd Aquarium . . . yep; sounds bloody gorgeous! A must-do.

    And yeah; really looking forward to the Marais River Run, it's the only 'real' car event I've been able to track down that coincides with our time frame.
    (Just hope they're not all 'trailer Queens'!)

    Jerry: the Museum of Science and Industry certainly sounds like a 'must-do' too, especially as there's a B727 there that you actually flew.
    Any link like that to something, however tenuous, gives it a certain 'special' quality.
    (Anybody else standing around I can nudge them in the ribs and say "See that plane there? I know the fella that flew it!"
    And some of your glory may rub off on me!)

    'It is suggested to have the route 66 map of the early streets for an expedient exit from CHICAGO----------'
    Good point . . . noted.

    'If you want I will call Funks Grove to see if they have any syrup left as they sell out altho when there in July my niece bought 48 bottles to give there customers for Christmas this year---'
    Thanks, but it's not really that important. It's just that I've never tasted the stuff and was curious . . . everyone seems to rave over it!
    Last edited by johnboy; 09-01-2013 at 10:10 PM.
    Mountain man. (Retired.)
    Some mistakes are too much fun to be made only once.
    I don't know everything about anything, and I don't know anything about lots of things.

    '47 Ford sedan. 350 -- 350, Jaguar irs + ifs.
    '49 Morris Minor. Datsun 1500cc, 5sp manual, Marina front axle, Nissan rear axle.
    '51 Ford school bus. Chev 400 ci Vortec 5 sp manual + Gearvendors 2sp, 2000 Chev lwb dually chassis and axles.
    '64 A.C. Cobra replica. Ford 429, C6 auto, Torana ifs, Jaguar irs.

  12. #27
    johnboy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: `47 Ford sedan, A.C.Cobra replica.

    Quote Originally Posted by dmw56 View Post
    Moriarty: car yard, all for sale. If you're stopping at Archie Lewis' yard then it's none for sale.
    Try this place east of Tucumcari.

    Yep; it was Archie Lewis' place I was aiming for.
    So if there's none for sale then there's really no point is there?
    Does the place you pictured have an address?

    And thanks for that; I've made a note of the phone numbers.
    Mountain man. (Retired.)
    Some mistakes are too much fun to be made only once.
    I don't know everything about anything, and I don't know anything about lots of things.

    '47 Ford sedan. 350 -- 350, Jaguar irs + ifs.
    '49 Morris Minor. Datsun 1500cc, 5sp manual, Marina front axle, Nissan rear axle.
    '51 Ford school bus. Chev 400 ci Vortec 5 sp manual + Gearvendors 2sp, 2000 Chev lwb dually chassis and axles.
    '64 A.C. Cobra replica. Ford 429, C6 auto, Torana ifs, Jaguar irs.

  13. #28
    Old Coyote's Avatar
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    Sounds like a marvelous cruise .......... I grew up and graduated from high school in Amarillo (Tascosa High School) .......... have lived in Albuquerque and Phoenix and Scottsdale (along with Midland TX, Seattle WA, and Anchorage AK) ........... I absolutely love the Southwest, but alas, business took me to North Carolina and that is where we have had to retire ............ would love to "go back home" but just can't afford to move again

    I hope y'all have a wonderful time
    Last edited by Old Coyote; 09-02-2013 at 09:11 AM.

  14. #29
    MelloYello's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmw56 View Post
    Try this place east of Tucumcari.
    ah yes, Tucumcari, Larry Gatlin said that's
    "the only place in the USA where you can stand in mud up to your hinny and have dust blowing in your eyes!"

    just kidding, dmw56, just kidding
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    " I'm drinking from my saucer, 'cause my cup is overflowed ! "

  15. #30
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    As you go down 66 towards Joliet, you can see our Illinois governors mansion---Called Statesville Prison

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