Thread: Checking in
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05-15-2019 03:33 AM #1
Checking in
I still read the forum everyday but haven't been posting to much lately so I figured I'd do a catch-up post.
My hand continues to improve but I'm still pretty much on light duty with it. It's been busy around here though, just not with any of the toys. I sold a 472 Caddy builder I'd been holding on to (the proceeds going in to the Poly/Hemi build).
There's a small local car show for the local Little League on Saturday that Cade and I will take the 57 Plymouth to.......probably its last outing before it gets torn apart for the Power Steering conversion.
I've been shuffling the cars around a bit. I picked up what looks to be a well maintain 60,000 mile 03 Eclipse for Donna. The 77 Mustang she's been driving will go reside in storage shed as a backup and I think I have a buyer for her 84 El Camino.
The biggest project right now is a new house on the concrete pad I had originally poured for a 50 X 60 shop. After thinking and talking about it for the last few years we decided that putting in a manufactured home makes more sense for us than a shop.
My wife and I both love the house we have, especially the view. In all honesty though it's almost too big for us and would be way too big for just one person when one of us passes. The house does fine for now but if either of us ends up on a walker or wheel chair we'll run into mobility issues getting around in it (narrow hallways and doors and small bathrooms). Short of ripping out the inside of the house and doing a complete remodel there's not an easy fix for that. I watched my mom go thru that as she went from cane to walker to wheel chair to power wheel chair in her house and that caused a big shift in my priorities.
The house were putting in is relatively small (38 X 28….a bit over 1000 Sq Ft) but should still be comfortable and we'll still have the view of the mountains and hills. Our property is about 2 ½ acres and with the storage buildings, trees etc you can’t see one house from the other so each has a sense of privacy.
Right now I’m in the process getting the pad ready and getting the utilities in. 3 of my 4 fence lines are City/County dividing lines. I’m in the county but connected to the City water and sewer so I have to deal with both for permitting.
We actually don't have any plans to move into the new house for least a few years, in the mean time we'll use it as a guest house. When the time comes to move the plan is for our daughter to move into the "big" house. Missy will probably have at least one (maybe 2) of the Grandkids still in school and living with her when that happens so Donna and I will be handy to keep an eye on them while she’s at work. If and when Donna and/or I get to the point where we need help or can’t drive then it will be payback time and Missy can keep an eye on us.
So anyway that’s what’s going on going on at Mike’s place right now.
.I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....
Great to see your new post, Mike, and great to see CHR up and running again after several days of the Hmmm, can't reach this page.... Also good that you found an easy solution to your storage/access...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI