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Thread: Another build thread? Yep, my track-style T

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  1. #691
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    I don't know, Kurt. Probably somewhere around 1600 pounds. The springs are designated as "Honda Civic racing springs" and we all know that a Civic is pretty light. However, the effective rate of a spring at the wheel is dependent on leverage (the type of suspension and where the spring is mounted in relation to the pivot points of the suspension components). On my roadster, however, there is no fancy or complicated geometry involved like on independent suspension. In this case, with the springs mounted directly between the frame and a beam axle, the chassis "feels" the full rate of the spring. I bought four of these springs in a kit with the idea that I might use them on all four corners. When I got them I soon realized that they were much too stiff for the rear. In the past I have used Ford Escort, Chevy Chevette, and Geo Metro rear coils in the rear of an array of different vehicles. These springs are stiffer than any of those.

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  2. #692
    OFT is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    How is roadster project going? Any update?


  3. #693
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    Nothing to tell, really. I have been completely sidetracked temporarily. It all began with painting the house during spring break. Then I needed to clean out the garage so I would have room to get back to work. Then I started building on to and enlarging the back porch. Hopefully, when that's finished I will get back to work on the roadster. In the meantime, I have acquired the intake manifold I need to make the little 2.5 'banger run with a carburetor.

    The good news is, during the garage cleaning phase my wife suggested that I "needed" a big new tool chest to replace the two old ratty small ones I had! Who am I to argue with that kind of logic?

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  4. #694
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vara4 View Post
    J. Robinson; Do you know about what your weight is going to
    be when you are finished with the car? Kurt

    How rude.

    Oh wait.. you meant the CAR...
    Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.

  5. #695
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firebird77clone View Post
    How rude.

    Oh wait.. you meant the CAR...
    The car is just a guess, but I know working outside on this porch extension is melting the fat off of me... Frankly, I'd like to lose about 40 pounds; then I would fit better in the car pictured below.
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  6. #696
    ScooterCO's Avatar
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    So... Tell us again what class this car was made for?
    Your students look to have done a great job!
    31 Ford five window

  7. #697
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    Thumbs up May have stuff 4 ya


    OK with out going back over about 3 years post;
    Did ya get the Holley 2bbl intake for that 4banger? and is it a 4 cly iron duke motor,? If so I got a lot of parts for that taking up space,we need to talk if that's the case

  8. #698
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    Scooter - It's an Electrathon car. Electrathon America sanctions races for these cars. They have some very strict rules about safety and the cars are limited on battery power, but the design is up to the builder. Racing these is quite a challenge; ya have to combine aerodynamics, lightweight construction, low rolling friction, and motor/ battery efficiency while still trying to outrun everybody else. You can get all the info at: www.electrathonamerica.org and www.electrathonfl.homestead.com .

    Also, I did a build thread on that car here on Club Hotrod. Take a look at it here: http://www.clubhotrod.com/forums/showthread.php?t=41183

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  9. #699
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    Bat - The engine I'm using is a 2.5L four-banger out of a 1987 Chevy S-10. Is that considered an "Iron Duke"? The manifold I got came from a local mini-stock racer. He wasn't sure where it came from, but our best guess is probably from an '80 - '82 Chevy Citation. They used this same engine, but the early ones were carbureted instead of injected. It includes an adapter to run a Holley 2-barrel carb. I also got the HEI distributor that has the coil in the cap and only requires one wire. The stock distributor had the coil separate and had a really weird wiring harness (computerized?). As soon as I get the porch project done I will get back on this project; my first objective will be to get some "fire in the hole". Let me know what you got... Do you still have my home e-mail address? Also, how's the roadster coming?

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  10. #700
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    My son is working on his 23 T-bucket,so I'm not doing much rite now on my 28"A" roadster,cus of space to work in..
    What I have too much of,is 2.5 Fiaro"Iron Duke" parts from Mini stock racing, including alum Holley 500 2bbl intake and a complete street 1984 Fiaro,plus as I remeber 2 extra motors that are the same but newer design with roller cams,all covered up in shop some were to dig out. And a ported head.
    Need to just trade off or sell super cheep-O.
    Or a old V6 Nisson(Datson} complete car 4 parts,but runs for free,both power steering and AC are junk on this free-B to any one that will come git it. All to good to trash,but I may have too,get some space.
    Last edited by The Bat; 06-10-2009 at 08:03 PM.

  11. #701
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    Well, this sucks! I finally get all the home improvements done so I can go back to work on the roadster and I hit a real snag. The manifold I got from my neighbor (see my last post above) doesn't fit! The bolt holes all line up, but the intake ports are different. The ones in the head are higher up in relation to the older manifold... The Bat tried to help me by offering one of his old Fiero race car manifolds, but it won't fit either. At this point I have two alternatives: (1) I try to fabricate a manifold or (2) I pull this @#$%&! 4-banger out and replace it with a 350 Chevy. Every hotrod I've ever built has been small-block Chevy powered and I'm beginning to believe I should have stuck with the old "tried & true"... Here's a piece of advice for anyone considering using an S-10 engine in something - DON'T! There simply aren't any aftermarket parts for these things. I can't even find a chrome rocker cover, let alone an intake manifold. I'll keep you all posted...

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  12. #702
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Jim: Just the other night while I was working at the shop it dawned on me we hadn't heard from you for a while and I was wondering if you were ok. I was going to do a "where are you Jim post." Maybe I've been missing your posts on other subjects.

    That really is tough about the engine. Are you sure nobody makes anything for these motors? With the 10 bazillion S10's they have built there must be something out there.

    I know what you mean about availability of stuff for a sbc...........you can almost run to McDonalds and pick up parts for them. I'll do some internet snooping and see what I can find for your motor..........but as smart as you are I bet you've already done a bunch of that.


  13. #703
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    Hey Jim, I read through your thread to try to find out what S10 engine you have, but didn't see that info. (OK, now I see it) However, I did find this on JC Whitneys website:

    Fits: Chevrolet S10 Pickup
    Our Low Price:
    $399.99 - $432.99
    Financing Available:
    Customer Review:
    All items ship in 5-7 days

    * Genuine Weber carbs are NEW, not rebuilt!
    * Replaces old carb for better performance, improved fuel economy
    * Includes everything needed for an easy conversion and direct, bolt-on installation
    * Designed for street use

    These Weber Carburetor Conversion Kits are precalibrated based on use with a stock engine in YOUR specific vehicle. If your engine has been modified, recalibration may be required. Kit includes carburetor(s), manifolds or adapters, air filter(s), linkage, hoses, hardware, a complete set of installation instructions and technical support for sixty days.
    Please note: These carburetors require only 2-1/2 to 3 lbs. of fuel pressure; you may need a new fuel pressure regulator if your vehicle has higher or inconsistent fuel pressure.
    Year/Make/Model Additional Info Item Item # Unit Price Order
    1982 - 1985
    S10 Pickup

    * Engine Type: L4 1.9L 119CID, GAS, CARB, Aspiration:Natural, Vin:A

    w/ Hitachi 2 Barrel Carburetor Carburetor Conversion Kit ZX538091F Kit $432.99 Ships in 5-7 days
    1982 - 1985
    S10 Pickup

    * Engine Type: V6 2.8L 173CID, GAS, CARB, Aspiration:Natural, Vin:B

    w/ Rochester 2SE Carburetor Carburetor Conversion Kit ZX538123F Kit $399.99 Ships in 5-7 days

    Whoops, just noticed you did post that it is an 87.........I'll keep looking. There might be some info in this thread for you too.......... http://www.s10forum.com/forum/f106/e...b-help-381838/
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    Last edited by Itoldyouso; 08-03-2009 at 09:48 PM.

  14. #704
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    Thanks for researching on my behalf, Don. I hadn't thought of good ol' J.C.Whitney. If that system would fit a 1987 S-10 I would order it ASAP. Apparently, '86 was the change year. I have looked everyplace else I can think of, but I guess these engines are just unwanted bastards; nobody seems to make anything for them.

    I saw one of these engines a couple years ago that had a homemade manifold and a pair of Harley Davidson carburetors. If I can get a flange made that won't break the bank, I will attempt to weld up one for myself to use a pair of Holley 94's or Stromberg 97's. If the machine cost on that flange is too exhorbitant, I will trash the 4-banger and go with a small-block. I really wanted to do something different (for me) this time, but maybe it just isn't worth the effort.

    Sorry if I seem rather gloomy; I am just disappointed to get this far and encounter such a stupid problem...

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  15. #705
    falconvan's Avatar
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    Looking good, Jim. Have you thought about just keeping the fuel injection? You could always build a harness from the s-10 harness and just eliminate what you're not using. Surely someone out there could reprogram the PCM to eliminate the emission controls that would be out of the picture. That four banger looks pretty darn cool sitting in there.

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