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Thread: Holiday Plans

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  1. #1
    deepnhock's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Holiday Plans


    What are all y'all doin' for the holidays?
    Just got an invite to be in our local parade Saturday night....
    Have to decorate the truck with lights and stuff.
    Ought to be fun..
    TV, radio, fame and fortune....
    Well, TV and radio anyways
    Lookin' forward to it, even if it means I have to miss a different club function I had planned on attending..
    Too many shows and club meetings, not enough days to do 'em all.....

    Oh, here's my holiday card.....

  2. #2
    dangeroustoy's Avatar
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    Looks like you already have your truck decorated up....

    Dave Brisco

  3. #3
    deepnhock's Avatar
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    Re: hummm...


    Yeah, and her 'snowshoes' scream 'Ho 'Ho 'Ho!


    Originally posted by dangeroustoy
    Looks like you already have your truck decorated up....

    Dave Brisco

  4. #4
    inlineidiot is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thumbs up


    I hear ya Streets.... ....I love the holidays towards the end of the year....cause that means their almost gone again and spring ain't too far off..........The Ole Sarge goes to a doings with her kin..I stay here...Gives me time to mail out the (now three) cards I send..............BUT.!!! Happy holidays to all you guys...........Al......
    The cylinders have to be inline.!!!

  5. #5
    deepnhock's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Same ole ole


    Streets... Cheerup!

    Here's what'cha do...
    Go get a couple of service men or women and bring 'em hjome to your place for a nice holiday dinner... Give all of you a chance to make a nice day out of it. They can't go home, and you'll feel a ton better inviting them in for a day...
    Makes a house feel a whole lot fuller to have a young'un in there...

    Any holday parade's in your area?
    Light your ride up and put it in a parade... Take mom!

    Your holiday is waht you make of it....
    Ya gotta try man...

    Originally posted by Streets
    We iz doin the same as we do every year again with the exception that my Dda won't be here physically.. Mom and Me and Indi will spend the Holidays together and we may see BB1 and the kids but, it's hardly unlikely 'cuse they go to Orchard park every year to be with the other clan.. Christmas really has no meaning for me anymore...

    Sorry guyz, I am just down again.. Hope ya all have a happy Xmas

  6. #6
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Not much here, like Inline it means I can start looking forward to spring and time to get the toys out. Hey Streets, you have my sympathy friend. For me, holidays are for the most part more of a pain then anything. Best part is everyone is usually busy and I can sneak out in the shop and work on my own stuff. My most favorite get together is the poker game at Randy's shop on New Year's Eve!!!!!!
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
    Carroll Shelby

    Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!

  7. #7
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    REMEMBER THE REASON FOR THE SEASON. Christmas is the birhday of a very important person. If we remember Jesus, he will never forget us. Can't imagine hitting a bump in the road without him watching out for me. Sounds policically incorrect, but so what. Merry Christmas to everyone!
    "PLAN" your life like you will live to 120.
    "LIVE" your life like you could die tomorrow.

    John 3:16

  8. #8
    The F.N.G.'s Avatar
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    We're looking to a really good Christmas this year. My Wife and I bought our first house a couple of months ago and now my whole family is coming over here to visit us. I know it may sound like a pain to some people who have been homeowners for years but it's pretty exciting for us to be able to show off our home.

    Other than that not too many plans, I found out that houses can eat even more money than cars can so our "doin' stuff" budget is pretty limited. Oh, well next year Happy holidays to all you guys.


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