I've been doing Tri-Powers for a long time (building my own carbs) so I grab up every SB Rochester I can find, and any LB Rochester off of 350 or larger V8s.

20-25 years ago I could go to a junkyard and pick up 3 or sometimes four carbs and put together a set. Finding 2 mathced carbs (say off 283s or 307s) for end carbs was no problem.

Back when I started doing these, there was no demand for the old Rochesters. They ran $5-10 at the junk yards and you could pick them up at swap meets for $1-3 in most cases in working condition.

Now I can hardly find them at all and even the junk on E Bay goes way to high. THe ones that are left have a lot of the problems you mention.

I went on a building spree over the winter and put together a Tri-Power set for one engine and a 6 duece setup for another. I went through over 20 carbs to build the 9 I needed. Age and abuse has sure taken it's toll on the parts sources.

Kits are another story, where i used to just go in and pick them up at the parts store, in most cases they are now order from the warehouse (only take a day) but at least they are still available for the most part.

A guy can always ante-up and and just buy a set from a couple of the outfits that have sprung up selling them ready to go.....but I ENJOY building my own as long as I can get something to work with.