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Thread: new hot rodder in town

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    mooneye777's Avatar
    mooneye777 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Car Year, Make, Model: 1948 ford anglia

    new hot rodder in town


    a couple weeks ago my mom was sitting in my mustang and had a glow in her eye. she was saying she always wished she had gotten a hot rod car to drive around. our whole family has always been into cars since birth and she never got to do it for herself. jokingly my brother gave her a picture of a 92 vette a friend of ours had for sale. she fell in love with the picture, but though how stupid it would be for a 67 year old lady to foolihly spend money on that. the next day she was really wanting it bad again, so i went home and called and ya sure enough it sold like 4 hours earlier. she was a bummed out, so i looked for 10 days for her a vette or camaro.

    i finally found one that was very well cared for 89 vette, untampered with bone stock 350 tune port aluminum head motor, 59000 miles, automatic, leather, removable top, and needed nothing but driven. and she of coarse fell into the i dont need this thing stuff again and finally said the money ive got is for you kids inheritence. i say well your house is a brand new built house paid for in full, your new subaru legacy is paid for. you owe nothing to no one. i would rather see you finally get something you really want, you want this car we are going to at least test drive it. we did, she loved it, and i made her buy it just like any good son would do. she lives 4 blocks from me so she would be close, she drove by my house in it 4 times the first day that i saw. id say she likes it!
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    Last edited by mooneye777; 06-24-2007 at 11:14 PM.

    Live everyday like it were your last, someday it will be.

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