Here is a picture from a couple years ago before I painted it. I can't get the painted pics to resize so I can post them. I will keep trying to resize them.
Holler if you have questions.
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Here is a picture from a couple years ago before I painted it. I can't get the painted pics to resize so I can post them. I will keep trying to resize them.
Holler if you have questions.
You mentioned recessed firewall... I guess you could stretch the frame instead. I like the idea of dropping the floor too, and shrinking the rear package tray.
In a 64 Falcon, I eliminated the lower portion of the dash board, it really made more shin room. Re-located the radio slot, and the lights controls into the upper half. I don't smoke, so just threw the ashtray into the trash.
We have a local regular at our Cruise thats 6'5 or so and drives a sweet 32 Ford Coupe. I'll ask him next Cruise night if it ever stops raining in S Fla. (Our drought is broken!)
The car is the same color as your Father's and even has some chop. The car is a semi-famous car that was included in a widely distributed print of Hot Rod Art. Recall the print of the burger place located in the desert with the sun just going down with three hot rods in front? Red, Orange and Yellow and in the semilight the yellow really stands out. I know I saw this print several years back.
I'll try to edit back and add a picture. No sorry won't fit. Ha Ha Sucess!
And checked out quite a few. Spent quite some time talking to a gentleman with a three window deuce coupe. He went with a set of prefab sport seats, similar to Recaros, ditched the package shelf altogether, and used a tilt column. He was 6' 3" and had plenty of room. There is hope for me.
That being said, 34dodge has gotten me thinking about Mopar coupes from the era, and frankly, I kind of like the lines and the fact that they are not as common.
Here's some pics of the middle two passenger seat out of a mid-90's ChryCo soccer mom van.
It sits on a home-made base to get the seat down low.
Very comfortable as well.
It's in a 31 A roadster on a 32 frame rails.
I'm 6' tall with a 32" inseam and even with a recessed 4" firewall there's plenty of legroom.
In fact the seat can go back another 2" and will be under the rear cockpit rail a bit.
Not the rearward tilt, I haven't measured it, but most factory seats seem to come in at 110 degrees to the rear and this one is about the same.
As one of the guys noted, tilting the seat back helps a lot.
My 5'1" wife and I share a 2002 Ford F150 SuperCrew.
The seat stays in one place and the pedals get moved - heckuva nice option - but, the seat back is tilted back for me and straight up and down (almot) for her.
Disregarding the pedals, we find that simply tilting the seat back does it.
I almost can't get in - and I ain't that fat @200#) until the seat does get tilted.
The 31 has lots of leg room, more so than other roadsters I've been in.
Some pic's of my 32 . . taken to illustrate that you can fold the top over the roll bar.
Anyway, what I want to point out is the overly thick back cushion and the more upright angle it has.
Kinda hard to see the thickness etc., but it should give you an idea.
The 32 has a flat firewall and no recess.
It runs a 462" Buick with mechanical 17" diameter fan and stock length hood.
A friend of mine who's 6'7" and long legged drove the car for about an hour one day.
He's not a flexible youngster, but was about 59 at the time and getting a touch creaky.
He did ok, his legs were bent somewhat, but he said it was comfortable enough.
I think part of it is due to he's learned how to compensate for being tall and just accepts the things he can't change.
The 32's legroom is less than the 31, but it's not bad to spend the day in.
A couple of breaks will do it.
Couple ways you can go if your wife is small and going to drive the car.
Adapt a low bucket seat track to the soccer mom van seat.
Or use a back cushion to space her forward.
My wife, as noted, is small and she can drive the 32 as is, but she does better with a 4" thick back cushion the upholstery guy made when the interior was done.
The cushion is square and it rides in the trunk most of the time.
The 32's seat could be improved by getting it down an inch or so as well as using a thinner and tilted rearward back cushion.
I have another albeit later two passenger van seat and it's a temptation to stick it in the 32.
$10. at a yard sale....:3dSMILE:
One more I found of the 32 showing seat to pedals relationship.
6'2 260lbs with a 32" inseam, with a 27 model T roadster. i got two words "tilt Steering". my knees tend to be higher than most, soo the problem lies with me being able to drive without the knee hitting the back of the steering wheel.