Ahh the good ole days when a man did things to better himself and others,now......... we do it for profit....................and we can see what that has brought.......no new Washingtons or Franklins.
Washington is now paid off by the lobbiests and Franklin has sold out to the big profiteers.:rolleyes:
The reason that Virginia added fees instead of raising the ticket cost was because ticket revenue goes to public schools whereas the fees would go to the highway fund. Virgina expects to get over $200 million a year in fees. (must be a lot of law breakers in Virginia :LOL: :LOL: )
The other states that already have rules similar to Virginia are: Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Texas. The most expensive of those 4 is Texas. All of them add multi-year penalties for expired insurance and licenses.
PA doesn't yet have multi-year fines or penalties but they got fees. For a $25 violation they tack on an additional $68 in fees for everything from the cost of writing the ticket to padding a fund for emergency medical. :eek:
And we just keep going along for the ride.........................:mad: :mad: :mad:
It scares the h*** out of me that there are laws like this being passed and we have no contol over any of it. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Our good ole Democratic Governor is now saying he did not know that language was in the bill, and if he had, he would not have signed**) . Yeah, I believe that :whacked: .
Here's the deal. Our Virginia legislators need money for roads, but are very anti-tax. In order to avoid raising the taxes on everyone who uses the highways (the gas tax), they instituted these fees. However, these fees, along with increased license fees, increased vehicle fees, increased fees for selling a house, ad nauseum, ONLY APPLY TO VIRGINIANS. Yep . . . any non-resident driving through ol' Virginny is exempt from the civil fees.
I guess they think we're too stupid to understand that a fee by any other name is still a tax.
Bottom line, instead of hitting all those who use the roads, locals are footing the whole bill. That whole concept is so freakin' stupid it makes my hair hurt. When it comes time to cast the next ballot, any legislator who voted for this mess is not getting an "X" for me.
just run it with the hood off.
no wait, that's illegal too.
In Virginia, I don't think so - at least for hot rods.
Just wanted you to know that the northerners in the state feel the same way. This is my first post on this forum, I've been a lurker for a while, but this subject is enough to drag me out of the shadows. We would have plenty of money if the politicians would not feel so free to pocket the money for themselves, give sweetheart contracts to their buddies and have to support those not paying into the system. Imagine if the penalty for there lies and theft were in proportion to the traffic offense fines? Every one of the lying thieves would be drawn and quartered. Hmmm........selling tickets would be a great way to raise the coffers they depleted in a voluntary way. Yeah, I'll be looking at how these jackasses voted when I cast my ballot!
Oh, well! Have a nice day.
Don't hold back Matt, tell us what you really think..:LOL: !!
Welcome to here. Hope you will chine in often, and I agree with your comments, but, those of us who pay the bills for the COMMONwealth, don't have a lotta pull. Money talks.
whats up with the commonwealth bit?? are there really only 49 states in the union?
Nope there are only 46 states. :LOL: Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia all call themselves commonwealths. It has no constitutional impact. They just like to be different.
Let's see... Common Wealth :HMMM: sounds kinda commie pinko to me! :LOL: