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Hey, Itoldyouso, Those spacers are great
Finally cooled off enough here that I could work on the truck. Put on the carb spacers, got the carbs refreshened and then turned around. They now face forward so I can get to the idle circuits adjustments on the primary.
Ain't it funny that you always forget something when you start the days project. Like I forgot that all my old fasteners needed replaced. Also that I needed new fuel line. As you can see I still need to move the fuel log and make new lines to the carb. The old ones are still hanging on the drivers side.:LOL:
Anyway had to stop and run to Atlantic to pick up those items.
I used my old distributor and wires for the trial fitting cause I didn't want to have to break my new ones if I didn't get the desired clearance. I think those 2 inch spacers you turned me onto are perfect. Thanks Don.