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Thread: Can I Do It In 98 Days?????????

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  1. #1
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Can I Do It In 98 Days?????????


    I've decided to try and get my '39 Dodge pickup drivable by November 21st to take it to Daytona for the Turkey Run. It hasn't been touched for a year and a half, and lots is left to do.

    The reason I am doing this is because Dan's '29 isn't going to make it in time. He told me the other night that he has some additional things he wants to do to it (Louvered belly pan, chrome front end, etc) and doesn't want to rush it just for the sake of making that deadline. He is fine with it, but I'm not. I really want him to have a rod to drive there, especially since he has been so unselfish with his time and money helping me get the T running. Every few days the UPS guy shows up with something Dan has bought me for the T, and I want to do something to repay him.

    So, today I cleaned up the area around the Dodge and made a list of things to do. The hard stuff is done. The 394 Olds is totally rebuilt, the rear suspension is done, the top has been chopped (only the doors are left to do) and the body has been subframed. We built a custom frame for it a couple of years ago, and I stored away a lot of the expensive parts, like aluminum radiator, tires and wheels, and stuff like that.

    I haven't mentioned it to him yet because first I want to get the front end painted and hung. I went to the local spring shop today and they are making me a shortened main leaf for the Speedway spring. Tonight I sandblasted all the front end parts, and tomorrow night I will prime and hopefully get some black paint on them. I'm not going to go crazy with cosmetics on this rod, as it was slated to be sort of rat roddish from the beginning. I plan to paint the suspension and frame black, and the body will probably be a flat color of some kind.

    Once I get the front end painted and hung I will tell Dan what I'm up to, and if he wants he can take over the fabrication of the interior panels, build a new bed, and do some of those chores, he is welcome to do that. His forte' is building stuff out of steel, so he will probably enjoy doing those things. I know he is going to say it's impossible to do, but I am betting on it.

    Here are some pictures of how it sits now, and the parts I blasted tonight.

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    Last edited by Itoldyouso; 08-15-2007 at 10:58 PM.

  2. #2
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    hey go for it i have been waiting for you to get back on the truck
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

  3. #3
    CHEVYBOY's Avatar
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    That truck is going to look bada**, Ive always liked it

  4. #4
    Mike P's Avatar
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    I think you can make it. I've done cars on a short time frame like that. The key is having all the parts on hand so so you can keep moving forward.

    Don, if you haven't already make a list of EVERYTHING you will need to finish it and don't assume even the most common part will be available. One critical item on back order can throw a monkey wrench into you plans.

    The folks a a 62 Olds with a 394 in it years ago......what a torque monster. THis is going to be a fun ride.
    I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....

  5. #5
    BradC's Avatar
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    Don if I wasn't going into the hospital soon, I would love to give you a hand getting it done.

  6. #6
    PatMonaco's Avatar
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    Hell ya! Go for it Don!

  7. #7
    falconvan's Avatar
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    That is truly an awesome looking ride! Make sure to take a few minutes to take pics and post them over the next three months!

  8. #8
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thanks for the encouragement and nice words guys. I've been trying to figure out all the parts I'll need, and the list is surprisingly short. We previously got most of the big items and luckily I didn't pirate too many of them to build the T. Only the rear tires and slicks got used, but I am not going to run slicks on it this time anyway, just regular 8:20 X 15's that I'll have to order from Coker.

    The T is so close to being done that I think we won't be taking any build time away from it to do this one too. I'm going to try to get some parts sprayed today and maybe mounted tonight on the truck.

    BTW Brad, hope the hospital thing goes well for you. Let us know how you are doing.


  9. #9
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I'm sure you could... The question here is why???? (Might want to check the date on your birth certificate!!!!!) I refuse to hurry a project...if someone is in a rush I figure they've just come to the wrong shop!!!!
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  10. #10
    mopar34's Avatar
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    Can I Do It In 98 Days?????????

    You probably can, but you need to hide the keyboard and the pc and get to work. Lots to do, and only 97 and 1/2 days to do it.
    Got to get busy, ya hear? You can do it!!

    If it were me, I would be planning on having it done for the Turkey Run in 2011.

    A good friend will come and bail you out of jail....but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying..."Damn....that was fun!

  11. #11
    31 5w is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Don, that looks cool! We usually go on Fri. Used to go all 3 days but the cost of rooms got so high we decided to go only 1 day & use the differance in money to help the disadvantaged @ Christmas. If you go on Fri .,p.m. me & I'll give you my cell#-we can meet-up. 34

  12. #12
    mopar34's Avatar
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    I'm disadvantaged! Just sent the extra bucks to me. Maybe then I can afford a room at the La Playa.

    Just kidding! I think your choice of staying one day and donating the difference to charity is terrific. Wish more people were like minded.

    When we go to the Run, we usually stay Wednesday thru Sunday, but then we live about 900 miles north and a one day stay would b tough. We were registered last year, but then I broke my arm and the trip was canceled. Can't make it this year, because we are going to Tampa for the Nats.

    A good friend will come and bail you out of jail....but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying..."Damn....that was fun!

  13. #13
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Ambitious goal Pops!!! I'm sure you CAN do. My only concern is when someone sets a goal that doesn't meet their temperament. I think I remember an old codger on here who was going to "slap" together a T bucket for somewhere around $3k.....................but his pride of workmanship and good taste drug him into making it a very nice ride........and blowing the budget BIG TIME!!! What ever happened to that ol' reprobate?

    Oh yeah........................
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  14. #14
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    If Boyd can do it . . . so can you!
    . . . the body will probably be a flat color of some kind.
    Yeah, right. Just like the T?

    Gone to Texas

  15. #15
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Parmenter
    What ever happened to that ol' reprobate?

    Oh yeah........................

    I don't seem to remember the incident to which you refer, Bob. Musta been on some OTHER forum.

    Dave, yeah I agree with the rushing thing, but lots of the hard stuff is already done, like the engine, engine mounting, rear suspension, front suspension, etc. Plus even if Dan has to drive my T to Daytona, he is going to finally know what it's like. Poor kid has missed too many years already.

    Bob, as soon as it cools off a little, and I get my house chores done ( ) I'm heading over there. Also waiting for the spring shop to call me to tell me the main leaf is done.

    31 5w, I agree, very noble thing of you guys to do, helping others out that way. We are trying to arrange a thing with Hotroddaddy, Gastrick, and others from Florida to get together some evening for a beer or bite to eat. Would love to meet any others going, regardless of where you are from. We'll figure out more as the time gets closer.

    Bob (Mopar34), might get to see you in Tampa. At least the T should be running by then.

    Jack, no I swear it will be flat this time for sure.


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