If you are lowering stock lowers, you can cut the 'cup' off and extend it by welding a piece of flat metal, then reattaching the the cup. That will lower the spring, the width of the flat bar that was added.
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If you are lowering stock lowers, you can cut the 'cup' off and extend it by welding a piece of flat metal, then reattaching the the cup. That will lower the spring, the width of the flat bar that was added.
From the looks of it, I can cut the whole bracket the bottom cup is attached to....I think. I'll have to think about this some more. Thanks for the suggestion and nice avatar!
Here's the latest picture of me and my new garage buddy: grandson Kaden. :D He'll be out there using the plasma cutter before too long.
nice pic there pawpaw :D congratz on the shop helper heres a couple of mine
She looks pretty happy, you better watch out! She'll be driving that for real before you know it!
Well, I hope everyone is having a productive weekend. This is kinda becoming my Sunday routine. Get up, make the coffee, post truck progress, and go to church. Not a bad gig. I had Friday off so I got a good day in Friday and about half of Saturday. I got the firewall primed and slid the cab foward to it's rightful position. Spent most of Friday making cab mounts from the old Dodge body mounts. They turned out pretty decent. I got one cab cab corner relaced. I realized that by lowering this thing I was going to need a driveshaft tunnel so luckily the old Dodge tunnel was still laying in the scap pile and was pretty solid. I trimmed it up and I believe it'll work fine. I cut out a big part of the old floor sections; I patched these up while the cab was still on the ground and wasn't even thinking that they might interfere with stuff on the car frame, so now I'm having to do some of it over.:CRY: But it's starting to come together.
I guess it's time to get ready for church, you fellers enjoy the rest of your weekend. Thanks again for all the good suggestions this past week, I got a lot of good ideas brewing from them.
Hey everybody, for simplicity's sake I decided to move the progress on this over to the "Everybody that is currently building a car" thread.