Is anyone planning on attending the Turkey Rod Run in Daytona this Thanksgiving
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Is anyone planning on attending the Turkey Rod Run in Daytona this Thanksgiving
Yep, lots of us. If you read through some old threads, we have talked about this the last couple of years, one of our guys is just finishing his ride for this years run.
I'll be there for sure.
Yep, us too. Might even have a car or two. :) :)
I'll be there at least one day, either Friday or Saturday. We need to set up a meeting time and place.:) We had it set up last year, but then I had to leave before "meeting time"...:CRY:
We have kicked around the idea of anyone who wants to go to meet at some restaurant for an hour or so. It could be dutch and nothing elaborate, just a Denny's or whatever. What do you all think? Any other ideas?
I know there are some simple restaurants on A1A up past that shopping center where everyone congregates. But I am open to anything. The problem with doing it during the day is that we are all so spread out, but at night we tend to all go onto A1A, I would suspect.
Another thought is that we could meet right at that shopping center and park in one area together. (wish I could remember the name of the shopping center :o )
Ideas anyone?????????
Welcome to Da Site.Quote:
Originally Posted by GordonW
We have discussed it, but nothing definite. It's a long ways from here.
Don, you talking about Bel Aire Plaza??? Across from the old La Playa hotel?Quote:
Another thought is that we could meet right at that shopping center and park in one area together. (wish I could remember the name of the shopping center
Unfortunately not this year. Well be at the NSRA Southeast Nats next weekend (10/12 - 10/14) but can't do both this year. Which is unfortunate because I had registered last year then broke my shoulder and couldn't go. Guess I will have to wait until 2008 to get back.
There is nice restaurant on South Atlantic just below the Orange Street bridge on the right side. Can not remember name (man's first name) good size and very good food. Plus close to bridge for easy access to raceway,
Yep Bob, that's the plaza. One of the things we will have to look at will be availablility of parking (safe parking) for our cars while in a restaurant or whatever. My thoughts are that maybe Friday night would be the best night? Probably most of us will be there for that night, and we all have to grab a bite to eat sometime,so maybe we can kill two birds with one stone.
I'm up for anything the group decides though..........parking lot, restaurant, etc.
We just need a place where we can all get a chance to finally meet each other and talk a little.
The restaurant that I couldn't remember before was Steve's Famous Diner at 1620 South A1A. Fairly good size parking area, food used to be good and probably still is and not expensive, and good portions. They serve B-L-D
We used to stay at a ocean front hotel a couple of blocks south of there. Other than the Olive Garden which is a couple of blocks North of the BelAire Plaza, I used to enjoy going to Steve's. Bad thing is that they are usually always busy, but can usually get a table in a few minutes.
Damn, just thinking about it makes me want to go.:( :CRY: :CRY:
Bob, you KNOW you really want to go to TURKEY RUN. :D :D What could be better than Daytona Beach in late November??
Hey, I looked up Steves Famous Restaurant, and called them. They say they do not take reservations, are open til 9 PM during the week, have primarily Greek cuisine, but also everything else too, and showing up with a party of 10, 20, or whatever is not a problem. Here is their website:
We'll see how things shake out as the date gets closer, but this is certainly one good suggestion. Thanks for telling us about this place.
Friday is no good for me, gonna have to be sat, sorry, but im in.
Ok, maybe Saturday is better for everyone else too. I just assumed Friday, but lets see what everybody thinks the night should be.
You're right, Don! I do really want to go! My wife's parents have registered for Daytona (they live in Dade City, FL) but as it's turning out, they plan on coming north to our house for Thanksgiving.:( It might be consider rude of me to leave them at my house while I sneak off to Daytona.:LOL: :LOL:
If I plan it right, I could fly out of Harrisburg on Friday morning, get my nephew to pick me up at Tampa airport and drive me to in-law's place (after all they will be in PA), and then I can take one of their cars to Daytona.:eek: :LOL: Might even get to meet you on Saturday. :cool:
I love it when a plan comes together!!:cool: :D :D
According to my info Steve's has two places in Daytona. One at 1620 South Atlantic Ave (A1A) and the other on South Nova Road. I have not been to the Nova Road restaurant. My only experience has been the one on South Atlantic. Been a couple of years since I was there, and I didn't have the Greek food (except maybe the desserts), but the American food was very good.
The new place on South Nova may be just as good, and it looks like it's closer to the Speedway.
Also for a note, if anyone is staying in Daytona Beach on South Atlantic Ave (A1A) and South of I-92, it is usually much faster if you take Orange Avenue (2 blocks south of I 92) and go over it's bridge. The I-92 bridge can be a pain in the butt in the late afternoon with show traffic and regular commuter traffic trying to use the same road. You can even use the Orange Avenue bridge to go to North Atlantic Ave as it dumps you out about 12 blocks south of where I 92 drops you. In the past, traffic has always been a lot lighter using this road then on I 92, and can get you back to your hotel 20 minutes earlier than I 92 unless you are staying in North Daytona Beach.
To get to Orange Ave, from the Speedway, take I 92 East and turn right onto Nova Road, then take the 2nd left on to Orange Street and then follow Orange Ave across bridge to the Atlantic Ave (A1A), where you can go either north or south.
If I don't make it, I hope you all have a great time with out me.:( :CRY: :CRY:
hello all . take it from a local you have to try out Rossi's Diner 2240 s. ridgewood ave. great food , clean , fast service not alot of parking but fast turnover enjoy and have a great tme .
" never leave home without a backup plan "
Thanks for that tip. I like to go where the locals recommend. We have pretty much shelved the meeting at a restaurant idea, instead we are going to meet Saturday night at the NE end of the track where the host club is organizing festivities. However, we do have to eat, so I will try to check out your recommended place one night. We usually eat one night at that rib place on A1A, I think called Hog Heaven(?) We have been going there for years and like it because you can see all the cruising going on out on the street while you eat.
That, and we like BBQ. :D :D
Is there a time set for Saturday evening?:confused:
I'll be at the speedway Friday; I'm going up with a friend to help him pick up a truck cab he is buying and to roam the swap meet in search of parts for my roadster.:rolleyes: Saturday evening I'll drive up in my coupe (unless it's storming).:cool:
J. Robinson, 8:00 PM is the set time.Quote:
Originally Posted by J. Robinson
For the first time I will not be able to attend. My back is hurting & my skooter batteries will not make it.