THANKYOU FFR428!!!!! Any idea what a slight port match like that runs? If I even want to use the setup, had someone offer me 2k for it.... thats 500 more than I paid! As far as the 428 crank, would my stock height rods and pistons work with it? Still got a few things to settle transmission and rear end wise before i go spending a whole load more money. If I could get just the crank I'd do that. Thanks for the info, and thanks for takin the time. 22 more days until I'm home with my familly working on this thing!
Thanks for the port info. How much does a slight port match like that run? Also, can stock height pistons and rods work with that 428 crank? Also, im going to have to start figuring out vacuum soon too. Shouldnt be a big deal if i note how everything comes apart right?
Sorry to take so long to get back to ya. I don't think it would cost much to port match if you choose to go that route. You can run the setup as is and not suffer a whole lot of loss. But the Edel heads do have a good amount of material that can be removed if desired. Yes you can use the same 390 rods with the 428 crank. Once you move to the 4.125 and 4.250 strokers they have a standard BBC journal size and use BBC 6.7" rods. With the Scat 428 cranks at $499 oem 428 cranks can run a bit less. Prices have come down a bit. You would need to have the rotating assy balanced.
I like that, Ron.
Of course, old toots like me tend to dig the heavy iron, so to me, your car has class!
......... By the way, you can put stock in what Dave Severson tells you. People here grudgingly admit that he knows his stuff, particularly when that stuff says "Ford" on the front of it.
Welcome home!
Thanks guys. Chillin in anaconda right now, just kinda keeping awake on my way home. Appreciate ya'll taking the time to help me out and all and looking foward to this familly project i got going on. Anyone in the Des Moines area got a 428 shortblock for sale?