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Thread: A interesting article

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  1. #1
    Don Meyer is offline Moderator Visit my Photo Gallery
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    A interesting article


    Here is a interesting article on the oils we use. In addition to the facts in the article GM has since take EOS off the market & I've heard from NAPA the red STP is also being taken off the market. The off road racing oils have more friction modifiers in them, but very little or no detergents.

    What are you all using for oil?


    Don Meyer
    Don Meyer, PhD-Mech Engr(48 GMC Trk/chopped/cab extended/caddy fins & a GM converted Rolls Royce Silver Shadow).

  2. #2
    PatMonaco's Avatar
    PatMonaco is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Don...funny you should post this. This was brought up at our Rochester Street Rods club meeting on Monday.

    I used Royal Purple synthetic oil for quite some time in my flat tappet SBC. I asked them this question and here is their response. I will continue to use their product. You make your own judgement. I understand that Amsoil has the necessary additives too, but they are expensive.


    Any of the RP Motor Oils have more than enough anti-wear additives for a flat tappet cam as we have stayed with the API SL Service Classification due to the SM oils requiring a EPA mandated reduction in certain elements used in additives (ZDDP). We at RP do not see any benefits in performance or protection with the SM oils and plan to continue to make SL oils, until we can guarantee the same level of protection performance we set for our oils. RP also has our Synerlec Additive Technology which literally gives our oils 4 times the oil film strength of other oils, both mineral and synthetic.
    This link will give you information on this.

    RP Motor Oil- 5w30, 10w30, 10w40, 15w40, 20w50

    MaxCycle- has a more robust anti-wear package or higher level of ZDDP- MC 10w30, MC 10w40, MC 20w50

    XPR- Is Royal Purple’s own secret formulation for the best protection and performance we can offer- XPR 5w30, XPR 10w40, XPR 20w50

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Have a great day.

    Kyle Neal
    Technical Sales Representative
    1 Royal Purple Lane
    Porter, TX 77365
    281-354-8600 office
    713-705-9556 cell

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