Thread: 305 in a bucket?
12-01-2007 11:36 PM #61
Originally Posted by shawnlee28
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12-02-2007 07:07 AM #62
Originally Posted by tango
Flow is measured in CFM port volume is measured in cc's.
The biggest problem with the 305 heads is they shroud the intake valve and they are prone to cracking.
I don't work a lot with the stock 305 heads but I can tell you that the last test I ran on the World S/R Torquer out of the box was 219/170 @28 inches of water.
This was peak flow at .600 lift.
The last set of 441 heads I did with no work done to them was 198/140 @28 inches of water and .600 lift.
12-02-2007 07:16 AM #63
Check them at 500 lift . And what S/R Torquers are you talking about the 194/150 305 170cc 58cc are the one I have in mind . The flow #s you are giving are for Sportsman-II heads . And what about the drop in CR with the 67 to 72cc heads you are talking about ?
12-02-2007 07:41 AM #64
Originally Posted by tango
The test I did was with a 2.02/1.6 valve.
The test where done with a 58 cc combustion chamber.
The S/R head come in 58,67,76, cc's.
The flow numbers I gave where for a S/R Torquer head with the 2.02/1.6 valves ,street valve job with no porting or no gasket match.
The last set of World Sportsman heads went 241/162 @28 inches of water at .600 lift.
12-02-2007 07:41 AM #65
With all the info passed down, I'm going back to my stock heads that were ported. With all the combo's I have, it produced 304HP , and around 313 lbs. of torque. My 37 weighs 3,000 lbs. and with the gears change I'm going to make, it should be plenty for what I want. Thanks for all you info. Guess I'll wait till it warms up to pull my sportsman heads.Keep smiling, it only hurts when you think it does!
12-02-2007 07:53 AM #66
Originally Posted by erik erikson
The S/R Torquers with the 2.02in/1.60ex have the 67cc or 76cc chambers . They are 170cc intake runners and great street /strip 350 Heads .
12-02-2007 08:25 AM #67
Originally Posted by tango
I buy all my heads bare and "load them" myself.
All of the S/R Torquer heads have the same port volume wich is 170 cc's as cast.
You can buy them in 58,67,76 cc's.
The 58cc heads part number 04265B are for use on the 305 engine.
World also makes a head for 1987 and up.
Sometimes the information put in the magazines is wrong.
I also want to say I do this for a living and the flow numbers I have posted came from my shop.
This is not any form of advertising but I would like you to see some of my work.
12-02-2007 08:53 AM #68
That is some nice work. You are a good man. And by the way . I am not a big fan of 305 heads . And it is true that a lot of the 305 #416 and #601s are cracked . I bought a set from a shop on E bay . I was going to ues them on my original 305 to do a build . They had new 184in/1.50ex S/S valves with screw in studs and guide plates . And both were cracked with repair made to them ? They never said that they were sending repaired castings ? Now they are bare and I am redoing them . I to also always bought heads bare . But this one time ! The last time . But if a guy has a good set of #416 or #601 heads they will work well for a 305 build after they have been ported . Like you I also do this work for a living 25 years . And for fun 30 years . And its still great to know more info on these engines . And I got my info on the S/R heads at www.worldcastings.comLast edited by tango; 12-02-2007 at 09:00 AM.
12-02-2007 09:16 AM #69
Originally Posted by tango
12-02-2007 09:25 AM #70
Erik now tell me about that bad a$$ 540 that you built . I built a few 396-402 BB chevys . But man what kind of power is that 540 making ? And the heads on that most have some BIG valves and PORTS !
12-02-2007 09:44 AM #71
Originally Posted by tango
The last was a custom ground Comp. cam .715/.715,duration at @.050 is 278/288 cut on 114 L/S.
The heads are Brodix BB2X that have a bunch of port time on them.
I think final port volume is around 380 cc's.
The current blower is a 10-71 from the Blower shop.
It has twin 1050's dominators from Pro-systems.
As far as hp I would say it makes an honest 500 hp.or maybe a little more.
12-02-2007 09:54 AM #72
Do you drive that car on the street ? I think it has more like 800HP with that blower on it . And around 550HP with one carb on it ! WOW One day I want to run a blower on a 350 for my 1983 Monte . But I want one that will fit under the hood . This would be a good build for the 1979 350 4 bolt main that I have ??
12-02-2007 10:01 AM #73
Originally Posted by tango
If I built another engine for it I would build a 496 with a 8-71,and a "street roller" cam and a set of 335 AFR heads and build it to run on pump gas.
12-02-2007 01:37 PM #74
Originally Posted by tango
look at a whipple <twin screw> supercharger you might like them
I wore a camouflage T-shirt once. The response in the pub was "Oooh, it's a floating head!" .
the Official CHR joke page duel