Here is my story:

been dinking with cars for near 20 years now. In my younger years, I would think nothing of chopping, drilling, modifying etc. Whatever I had to do to get it done with what I've got.

Well, now I'm not as young, and seem to have lost my enthusiasm. Getting tired of sliding around on a piece of cardboard cause I ain't got a lift, sharpening a drill bit on an angle grinder cause I ain't got a bench grinder... or even sharpening the drill bits at all cause I ain't got the money for new.

Well, this was looking up to change. Got about ten large squirreled away, and was going to start the shop: put up a two-story roof ( AKA pole barn ) and close it in later. Well, dang if the company hasn't announced it's going to go tits up in March, and I dunno where the hell I am going to make the scratch I am earning now ( in this area anyway )

SO.. the poor ol 36 chevy master sedan is sitting on jackstands in the driveway, waiting. I've knocked out most of the dents and pulled the fenders, dollied them back into shape. The fenders grille and hood are in the rear shed, and it is sitting. It has sit so long that mother nature has wore out two tarps already.

Well, let's get this stright: the poor dear is in real bad shape. I removed the seats by grabbing them firmly and yanking them. they came out with large chunks of the floor. So why this one and not something better? Because I waited TEN YEARS to get my hands on it. Ol' mister Carver wouldn't come off it. Then the ol coot caught allzheimers and his kids sent the ol girl to the scrap yard. I recognized it instantly. $200 and it was mine.

Anyway... I can't figure out which way to go. Should I go ahead and put up the roof, and bet the farm on getting another job, or keep the pennies squirreled away? There is a good chance I will get to hang around after the plant closes down, and work on gutting it. It is possible that I can get PILES of conduit... maybe enough to build the roof. Definitely enough to build the roll cage I want in the 36.

In as much as I want to get the 36 rolling, I have GOT to do something with the 64 C10. I was in the middle of doing a complete restoration on it, and had to yank it out of the shop with just a coat of primer. Well, I ain't gotta tell you what it looks like after several years in the elements. ALL my hard work on that one has got to be re-done. At least, if I had the roof up, I could leave that one on the back burner guilt - free.

Plus.. it's December. It's cold outside.

dammit. I think I need a kick in the slats.