Originally Posted by Ken Thurm
Steve-Thank you, I made the fire wall removable for a reason :LOL: It made doing this much easier :eek: An expert I'm not, I'm just winging it on most of this stuff, I just have such a good time reading all this stuff on here and looking at how other people do things. It doesn't seem possible to do one thing so many different ways. I have absolutely destroyed my garage, I won't do this at home again. I usually do all this fabrication at work then do the final assembly at home, but because of my wife's surgery I needed to help her. I'm going to re do it when this thing is done.
Do you know a Doc named Pescetie in Oakland?
JRobinson-Well, for an out house you are turning out some nice stuff :LOL:
I really enjoy your build, I think how lucky we all are, before forums like this where we can see whats going on all over the world.