What kind of HP did it make Ken? Very impressive bike mill.
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What kind of HP did it make Ken? Very impressive bike mill.
Ken, this is all making sense now with your back ground as to how you were comfortable at 205 miles an hour in the SLR. 135 or close to that was my high in a 65 GTO needle at 6 o’clock, it felt like the front end was really getting light.
I hope I’m around when you start building the new truck it is beyond beauty. I have been going through old post with out any luck trying to find some pictures of your present truck.
I have to say with all of your talent, you are truly a down to earth good guy.
Your post speak freely.
Thanks Richard
No wonder you like things so well packaged! After working on a Harly, this project must seem expansive. Ken you never stop amazing me with all you have done and continue to do. Wow!:D
Don- I will be happy to tell you but I want to wait till I get back to what happened, OK The reason I even started this story was to answer you and give some credibility to me taking on the Arden project.
Richard- Thank You, just click on my name and go to personnel profile, then to threads started then '32 Ford Truck. The build is there.
Steve- You are right, I build my bikes the same way, trying to hide things. I want them to look like there isn't enough stuff there for it to run. :LOL:
Thanks for the nice post.
Yeah, the guys always said my bikes looked better as long as anybody but me was riding it........:o :o :LOL:Quote:
Originally Posted by Ken Thurm
Why do you think California came up with helmet laws!:LOL: :LOL: :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Dave Severson
...Forgive the bad humor, but....After you splice the heads together are you going with a pirate motif and calling it an "AARR-dun" ??:rolleyes:
Ken, from what I have seen of your builds, I see no reason to think you can't handle modify the V12. It will be an awesome ride that I would love to see and watch you build. I've been known to drive anywhere just to see a nice ride up close.
I wear a full coverage with a tinted face shield to make the bike look better!!!!!Quote:
Originally Posted by stovens
You are welcome here anytime, just let me know.Quote:
Originally Posted by BradC
Ken, we've all been so intrigued by the V12 thing, I forgot to comment on the body style you are thinking about for the truck. The one you posted is really swoopy, looks great. How much modification are you going to have to do to a stock truck to get it to sit and look like that.
I gotta tell you, when I look at some of the work you and other talented people do, my jaw drops. I mean it when I say I wouldn't have a clue where to start engineering something like the bike engine or V12 engine. Or the front suspension on your new '32...........how do you figure that stuff out???????
I feel good if I can change out 8 sparkplugs without snapping one off. :o :o
The changes in that model are tremendous, and usually when the model company's do something like this it really isn't possible to match it in real time. But this truck can be very close. The theme is a wedge, if you look at the side profile, the chop on the roof and the windows. I think the hardest part is going to be re shaping the front fenders for the small diameter tires. It's going to be all steel and no bondo :p
I'm going to stretch the cab 1 1/2" so the doors can be flush mounted, and from experience the extra cab room would be nice. After watching Dan's project I'm thinking about making it so the roof comes off. I will only do this if it isn't noticeable. So It can be a rpu also. This isn't as easy as it sounds, there are a lot of considerations to be made.
I honestly don't know where some of this stuff comes from, I'm sure some of it spurs from things that I have seen other people have done and the rest of it I don't have a clue. But I know most of it comes to me about 3:30 a.m. The suspension stuff comes from owning a chassis shop for 18 years.
You are selling yourself short, I know of a real nice BLACK BEAUTY that came from some where, and the beginnings of a real cool truck.
Originally Posted by Dave Severson
Have you ever seen or heard of a torsion bar rear suspension that was adjustable, for the early Softails?
Hi Ken, I'm a new member here and I know about your KT Components torsion bar system for the Softails, and being a Springer owner, also know about the front end rockers you made that lowered the front 1". Didn't you also offer a non-adjustable torsion system?
A friend from another rod site told me about this site and I have to admit, it is much better than he told me it was.
I spent last weekend reading all of the posts here regarding the build of your '32 and it's an amazing project. I check in daily just to see what's new. Having the mechanical engineering background and the design, manufacturing, and fabrication resources available to you makes me wonder what's next, keep the ideas coming, it's an inspiration to many of us.
When I first started reading your posts, I knew that I recognized your name from somewhere and when I saw the pics of your truck at the photo shoot with the trailer I knew the connection. I owned one of your Kendon fold-up motorcycle trailers, not the newer round tube trailers like in the pics, but the old style with the square and rectangle tubing. That was one of the best pulling trailers I've ever owned, if you didn't look in the mirrors, you would never know it was back there.
Come on, get busy on the '32, I can't wait to see what's next.
Welcome to the forum. (I'm not the official greeter, just practicing up for my new job manning the door at Walmart :rolleyes: :LOL: )
Probably get to meet you at Turkey Run in November?? :)