Mike-Yes, that's what I use, I believe they are the finest and most dependable, but hang on to your wallet :LOL: I get them from Terminal Supply Co. in Troy Michigan.
BradC- You got me thinking about how many I have used in my life :eek: I'm almost out of my 2nd bag of 1200.
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I welded the inner and outer pieces to my hood and side panels together today. If anyone is considering doing this let me tell you it is well worth the time and effort. What a difference it makes, they are so rigid, no tin canning. I marked where I wanted the spot welds on the inner panel on the powder coated side then transfered the spots to the unpainted side so I could grind of the powder coating where the weld would be. I was concerned about leaving marks on the finished side so I used a piece of 3/4" copper on the good side so it wouldn't leave any marks. it worked really good. Then I welded it together. I'm really happy with the way it all came out.
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One of the other things I have been working on is the air inlet tube, snorkel, I don't know what to call it :eek: I needed a place to hide the horn wires, headlight wires, and some other stuff. So I welded a 1/2 in tube inside that tube to hide all those wires. The rectangular slot is for the air flow sensor for the computer. Finished the tubes that go into the fuel and wire distribution block. The two tubes behind the block are for the wiring for the injectors the fuel line is in between those but you can't see it.
Looks great Ken, real first rate engineering on the air intake!
A number of projects back I ran a similar air intake on an old chebbie pickup and used a vacuum switch to pop open the cowl vent on acceleration to draw air!!!!:LOL: :LOL: Started out as one of them Sunday afternoon just for grins deals, but actually worked out quite well!
Your's is a shoe in for any show that gives out a best engineered trophy.... Maybe contemplating a run at the Riddler?????
It looks so simple and clean with the way you've hidden all the pipes and wires. Nice work.
Thanks, but I just want to drive it. I'm just trying to make the GNRS. Sometimes it just seems over whelming :eek:
Thanks Steve, Why is making things look simple, so hard????:eek: :eek:
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I would like any opinions that people are willing to give me. I haven't talked about this before, but if you look at the photo with my fuel system in it, and you look at the white covering on my firewall. When I peel that off there is a mirror finish on the stainless steel. My question is do you think that will look good or is that to 60's looking? The car will be black so everything is going to be black and chrome.
IMO shiny stuff is never out of style! I'd say leave it as is......
Dang guys with these shops you can eat off the floor in.
Building cars your afraid to get a finger print on or a smudge on.
Tools and machines that all look brand freaking new.
Probably got some beautiful models laying around his pool
out back waiting to take their picture in front of a water fall
by his car. This stuff makes me sick to my stomach!!!
Mostly because when ever I get this jealous I always get
get sick. Nice very nice!!! Kurt
Ken, my opinion on the mirrored firewall echos Daves. I say keep it that way. It will go well with black and chrome, and IMO add a demension to your eng. compart. Beautiful craftsmanship in this build, I applaud your talent sir.
warm regards,
Me three, Ken. I have always liked mirrored firewalls, I say keep it. And you will get some not to bright people who will say "WOW, TWO ENGINES!!" :p :rolleyes: :LOL:
Nuts, in the minority - AGAIN:eek: !!! But like everything else on a specialty car - it's what you, Ken Thurm likes, not what the crowd thinks:D
I think you ought to have some engraving done on that shiny wall...............then you might also get some time with the chica on Low Life!
;) :LOL:
Ken it will give a great view of the back of the engine, and all of those clean surfaces. It sets off a display of the engine, and the "clean" look with all of the hidden stuff. I think it will add to the total car look! You know it's gonna look great!:D