Dave-Thanks, I agree the paper board stuff just doesn't last. If you look back in my build I did the whole interior that way. I got caught in a rain storm in Kansas in another roadster I had and ruined the interior because of that stuff. I swore then I wouldn't let the upholstery shop do that again, so I make it all out of steel and powder coat it then give it to them.
Steve-Thanks, glad to be working on it again, but it's still not running. I screwed up in the wiring :( I'm sure this is just a hint of things to come :LOL:
twin blown-Thanks, you have some nice cars.
onemintcaddy-I bought them at Pep Boys, I think they were $30. Pretty handy with the jack and stand all in one. What is nice they are infinitely adjustable, so if you are trying to level something out you can and always know it can't fall on you.
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Well it's still not running :( I took the computer out and had it check and it's OK. I hope it makes noise tomorrow.
I finished the sheet metal in the truck for the upholsterer, so here is a couple shots of that. I just have to have it powder coated,
Looks great Ken. Can't wait to hear it run!:cool:
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I don't see how there can be anything wrong under here :LOL::LOL: But there was, it just wouldn't start. I finally gave up and called a friend of mine that works at a Chevy dealership, and asked for help.
One of the reasons I used Chevy's off road computer systems in the car was just for this reason. If I'm out in the middle of tim buck too somewhere and it dies, I can take it to a dealer and plug into their system and diagnose it and order what ever parts I need to fix it.
My friend sent over their computer guru. He plugged in their computer and in 30 seconds or less told me my accelerator pedal wasn't any good and I had a dead o2 sensor. I ordered a new pedal assembly and sensor. It came in yesterday, put it in the car and it fired right up :3dSMILE:
So tomorrow is the big day for me, I'm going for a ride :D
Ken, congrats on finding the problem, glad to hear it wasn't something serious or time consuming. Be sure to let us know how the first ride goes, will be expecting to hear back from you this weekend with a huge grin.
BTW, it was great talking to you the other day, I really appreciate the helpful information and tips.
Are you going to take us along for a little YouTube ride? :D Looks great Ken. How did it sound?
wow can't imagine why you didn't catch that one Ken?:LOL::LOL:
Geeze your wiring even is dizzying! We want photos of the maiden trip.:D
I don't have a clue how to do that. My phone has a video card so I can record it, but I don't know how to get it to my computer.
It sounds BITCHEN' I put a lumpy Comp cam in it.
Well, I ask my grandson if he knew how to do this, he says sure. We did it but it doesn't even sound like my car, it sounds like a lawn mower. I'll try my regular camera tomorrow, unless anyone has a suggestion.
Well that's one large lawn mower motor..........LOL
Have a safe ride and have your grandson change the blinking 12:00 clock on the VCR.
Yes folks even the pro's run into road blocks. The difference is, Ken always has a "buddy" who can help out when needed. And Ken, if you say you're not a pro, God will strike you down! :LOL: You're work is incredible. Congrats on getting her cranked up.
I'd like to hear this one too.
I've been so impressed by your build and now that I've done my wiring I can't believe how nicely you have yours all layed out. I think getting all the lines and wires to look clean has been one of the hardest and most time consuming steps I've done.
Thanks for having such detailed threads.
That wiring and plumbing job is simply fantastic! You do great work. That's one fine car.:cool::cool: Good luck on the test drive.
Are you going to have to dissassemble all of that work for paint?
unbelievably impressive
thank you for sharing!!
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BradC-Thanks, these kids are so darn smart.
nutbush-Thank you, it only took 3 years :LOL:
sgo70-I agree the time it takes for this part of the build is incredible. There are parts of mine that I'm not happy with, so when it gets torn down for paint I will re do it. thanks for you compliments.
Hotrod46- thanks, I have to admit I create a lot of extra work for myself sometimes.
Evolvo- Thanks, it might be a good idea, this will all be torn out when it goes to paint. :LOL:
Tom- Yes, it all comes apart that why It's done the way it is. It really comes apart pretty easily.
STREETWORKZ-Your welcome, I wouldn't want to be miserable on bad days alone, thanks all of you.
I drove it to work today for the first time. It gets a front and rear alignment
Friday. All is well so far!