Thread: Roadster pickup getting closer
07-06-2008 09:42 AM #106
When I was first doing my Brookville body, I noticed that the rear part trunk area seemed to be loose. The first thing I did was to pull all of their bolting and either replace with gr5's or at a minimum, a good gr5 lock washer. That stiffened it up some. Then I tied everything together with some 1" round and square stock. Needless to say, there isn't any flop. I also tied the cowl sides together with some 1/2 square tubing and most of the cowl floppiness is now gone. Then with the doubled flooring with 1/2 square tubing reinforcement and tabs for the seat, you can even lift the body with the doors open and it wont bend.
Dave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
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07-06-2008 10:02 AM #107
I used a Kugel also, I really like everything about it. I'm glad you will use the tank.
I didn't get anything done on the 4thI invited these guys over to take advantage of there free labor and we start goofing around telling each other lies, then watching Nascar, and I buy way to much beer, then cook to much food, then we watched the fireworks up and down the coast, then their wives drag them home, what a bunch
The headers have to go in at the same time the motor does, so it's a two man operation. My one friend is retired so he said he would come back Monday and help me. We had a lot more fun than working on a old car.
Glad to see you are working on your truck.
07-06-2008 10:21 AM #108
That's the right way to brace these things Dave, sure looks good. You can see how it would stiffen everything up tied in the way you did it.
Ken, sounds like your 4th was the way it should be.......good friends and a lot of relaxation. Too bad I'm not on the left coast, I'd be more than happy to help you get that engine back in. I think you said it was your throwout bearing that went.........did you ever determine what caused it to fail?
07-06-2008 10:30 AM #109
Don nice work you guys are doing. I love it when you post fabricated stuff. It gives me lots of ideas for problem areas on the truck. And Dan makes beautiful welds! I'm going to have to take a class just to make mine function, let alone look smart! That 90 brake set up is very cool! I am tossing around ideas of fabricating a door plate to cover the hole in the floor pan that gives me access to the master cylinder, but will keep the rain and dirt out.
That Hobart MIG welder you recommended, has already paid for itself on patch work alone! I can't imagine doing a build without one now!
Keep the photos coming!Last edited by stovens; 07-06-2008 at 10:47 AM.
" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
07-06-2008 10:33 AM #110
Originally Posted by Ken Thurm
But I'm still going to get to the shop and do some body work, headache or not!
" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
07-06-2008 10:36 AM #111
Attached Images
Thanks Don, I would sure welcome your help.
My throw out bearing failed because I didn't put any lock tight on one of the pins in my clutch fork. I don't know if you remember, in my truck build I showed how we make my own clutch fork, well one of the pins unscrewed because I didn't lock tight it. I use these forks in everything I builds because of there compactness.
I copied the photo from my truck build but I don't know if that works here. If not I'll try and find a photo of it.
Didn't work, if you want to see what I use it is under my tread, Clutch linkage.Last edited by Ken Thurm; 07-06-2008 at 10:43 AM.
07-06-2008 12:28 PM #112
No Don, Ken didn't say anything about BBQ or I would have made time to stop in for burger or at least a hot dog. I like the brake setup was going to use it on my 31' roadster with remote fill. Now the shop is almost done, I can start the rebuild and tell the story of this cars life.
BradCSome days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !
07-06-2008 01:50 PM #113
O.K. next time I'm going to send out invitations
It sounds like you aren't going to do this but this is the way I did mine. I bought a replacement cowl vent from Brookville made the cut out then used my step roller to put a 1" flange around the patch panel. Rosette weld the flange in then weld it up no warppage. That is my radiator cap on the left, clutch and brake reservoirs on the right, then the dry sump tank fill will go in the middle.
07-06-2008 11:59 PM #114
Steve, so you've been getting a lot of use out of the new welder? Good. Those Hobarts are really very good units.
Brad, I hear they have some great BBQ in California.......Ken doesn't know how close he came to having you there for a little visit.
Ken, Dan is pushing for the cowl vent and I am trying to change his mind. No question it would be a great addition and a way to access the master cylinder, but this car build has been going on for 4 years now, it is time for him to just "git R done."The fun of fabricating stuff has worn a little thin for he and I right now, it is time to get this thing on the road, even if it is in primer. If he forgoes the vent it will be just one more job we don't have to do.
Today he and I were both pretty wiped out from the past two long nights, so we tackled something easy........we put in two more subframe crossmembers and got his bomber seats mounted. Even that turned into another 12 hour day, but we can now sit in the car and finalize the placement of steering and other stuff. Here is a couple of pictures of what we got done today. Also, we have a new stray cat hanging around the shop. We fed him the past 3 nights and he is starting to be less afraid of people........but he is still wary. At least he will be fed regularly now, I laid in some supplies to feed him.
07-07-2008 06:32 AM #115
Originally Posted by Itoldyouso
In fact, he can borrow a design theme from Mopar................TWO cowl vents!! Not only does it give access for the master cylinder, but it gives dual zone air conditioning!! (hey, just tryin' ta help here buddy)Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon
It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.
07-07-2008 07:00 AM #116
Steve Moel already does that, I was thinking, 3 small cowl vents. That way one on each side for the fresh air, and one in the middle for an access panel. If they put in a hand made swoopy duval windshield frame they could follow the radius of the frame. Just trying to help, ya don't want a cookie cutter rpu do ya!!
Your Friend,
07-07-2008 10:11 AM #117
Don wrote:Also, we have a new stray cat hanging around the shop. We fed him the past 3 nights and he is starting to be less afraid of people........but he is still wary. At least he will be fed regularly now, I laid in some supplies to feed him.I would be happy to send you a six pack of kittens.
We've got a black tortie, a grey tortie, a grey tabbie, 2 red tabbies, a black, a grey/white and a black/white still unplaced in new homes. Take your pick!
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail....but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying..."Damn....that was fun!
07-07-2008 11:26 AM #118
That little stray is very fortunate to have found you! Scooter is smiling down on your generosity!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
07-07-2008 12:20 PM #119
Bob and Ken, I know you guys are right about the cowl vent, but he can always remove the cowl top and do it at a later time. We only have 135 days until Daytona, so we have to keep moving and as simple as possible. But knowing Dan, I bet it gets a vent.
Bob, do you get to claim all those dependents at the end of the year?Nice that you take care of them like that.
Steve, you don't know how close to the truth your comment about Scooter is. I don't want to keep bringing up her passing, but I have to tell this story:
The other night I put out some food for the "new visitor" and went into the shop because it is too afraid to come around while I'm out there. After a while I hear the cat dish getting knocked off of the utility trailer where I put it so I look out. There is the biggest Possum I have ever seen standing on the trailer.
What is weird about that is the fact my Ex Girlfriend always tried to convince me Scooter was a cross between a cat and a Possum. She would say "look at her, she is fat, has short legs, and a skinny tail." She was sure Scooter was part Possum, and I couldn't convince her that genetically cats can't breed with Possums. I went out to chase the Possum away, and it just stood there looking at me, no fear at all. Finally, it walked off.
When I went back into the shop I told Dan what was out there, and he said "Dad, when have we EVER seen a Possum here in all the years we have been here?" Then he reminded me of what my Ex said about Scooter. Dan isn't one to believe in supernatural stuff, but even he was a little freaked by it.
Maybe Scooter paid us one last visit in a form that we would understand. Goofy, I know, but it left us with the strangest feelings.
07-07-2008 02:38 PM #120
Not to say you may of had to much to drink or maybe not enough sleep............LOL
If it was Scooter coming back she would walked into the shop and stole your chair. Yes Don, Ken doesn't know I like to travel at the spur of the moment, like going to Maine for lobster or Chicago for Pizza ( I have even been know to go to Florida for a car show ), But it must run in the family my sisters are going to Oregon for wine.
BradcSome days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !
When I got married my friends asked if my spouse would be taking my name. I had to tell them it would be really silly if we were both named Fred. .
the Official CHR joke page duel