Thread: Roadster pickup getting closer
08-18-2008 12:33 PM #211
Make sure you remember the beer don, you would not want to forget that!
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08-18-2008 12:40 PM #212
Wow, thanks John...........I almost forgot!!
08-18-2008 01:16 PM #213
When you are done with the 'cane, please send it back out to sea. Since it becomes just rain by the time it gets here, the swamps adjoining my property that never dried this summer will never dry with more rain and the mosquitoes and black flies will continue to breed and continue to drive me away from working on my car - which is why I'm on here so often now.
Oh, by the way, don't forget the beer and the ice to put in the cooler to keep it just right in case you lose powerDave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
08-18-2008 03:33 PM #214
Yeah, they are predicting not only us, but a whole lot of the country will be getting a bunch of rain from this. We need it here, but not all at one time.
Just got back from the grocery was pretty picked clean. People seem to get in this fog when a storm is coming and you have to watch walking in the parking lots because they are hellbent on getting a parking spot and don't seem to see people around them.
Next 24 hours should be pretty interesting, but wherever you live you have some natural disaster to worry about.......earthquakes, tornados, blizzards, big foot(), etc.
08-18-2008 05:01 PM #215
Don, I was just surfing on the old peoples MTV, aka TWC, and unless you get lucky with the storm veering towards Naples, looks like Sanibel Island and Ft. Myers could be in it's cross hairs.
Hopefully not and hopefully if will stay a Tropical Storm. I'd hate to think that Ft. Myers got washed away before I could come down for a visit.
BTW, I'm not sure you have enough beer yet. You might one to spring for a keg. Besides being a good way to get beer in bulk, the empty kegs make nice moorings.Bob
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail....but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying..."Damn....that was fun!
08-18-2008 05:12 PM #216
Don--My oldest boy Nathan, his wife, and two little daughters leave tomorrow for a 5 day cruise that sets out from the Florida Keys, and cruises the Carribean. I'm sure it will be an interesting vacation. They were evacuating the keys yesterday on the news because of the approaching hurricane, and the baby is cutting teeth and is uglier than a bear with a sore ass. I think that I would rather be home working---
Old guy hot rodder
08-18-2008 07:38 PM #217
Amen to that Don! I am leaning more towards W.C.Fields nowadays.
Huddle down Don and batten down the hotrods we'll see ya on the otherside."Sunshine, a street rod and a winding beautiful Ozarks road is truely Bliss!"
08-18-2008 07:39 PM #218
We're starting to get the first waves of rain coming in now. Not bad yet, but this is just the leading edge hitting us. They are saying tomorrow morning should tell the tale as to what we are really going to get. My Son Don and his Girlfriend were supposed to fly out tomorrow AM for a week in Mexico, but that has been scrapped as the airlines are cancelling flights, plus he can't leave the place he manages during a storm like this. He called me today and asked if I thought the cars would be ok in the shop............that's us car guys for you, the heck with personal concerns, HOW ARE THE CARS??????One good thing is that Dan's work is closed tomorrow, so unless we have it really bad with no power it will be a free day to work on his car.
I could be wrong, but I don't see this one being like a Charlie or Andrew, at least I hope not.
08-18-2008 08:33 PM #219
hay don whats the big deal arent thoese huricanes like earth quakes the onley last about 30 seconds lol. stay safe and good luck ted
08-18-2008 10:09 PM #220
Originally Posted by ted dehaan
Then I noticed the roof from next door had bounced off a super clean Fox Mustang we were saving for a drag car. It wasn't so cherry after that.
If there is any upside to these disasters it is that they create lots of jobs. That is sort of morbid, but true. In the aftermath of Charlie you couldn't find a roofer or construction guy who was out of work. At the marina I worked at I was selling about $ 20-$40 K a month in new tops and windshields for damaged boats. Insurance agents would call me and say "I don't care about a quote or price, just get me the stuff we need." They were so flooded with big jobs that the small stuff just had to be taken care of quickly. With the construction business being so dead here lately, I bet a lot of out of work guys are silently hoping for some damage so they can start earning a living again.
Like I said, sort of morbid, but a fact of man's problem is another man's gain.
08-20-2008 12:19 AM #221
Wow, I'm basking in the sun and you might get washed away. I haven't watched the news or been on the computer for a couple of days. I sure hope everyone will be O.K.
The roadster looks great! I don't think you will notice the weight when it's all done, I think it's an advantage.
I sincerely hope this thing misses you guys.
08-20-2008 12:40 AM #222
Take care, we'll keep a silent prayer for the cars....and you! Nature is a scary buisness!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
08-20-2008 12:48 AM #223
Originally Posted by stovens
08-20-2008 01:51 AM #224
I thought I was the only Night Hawk in the crowd.Just got in from the shop, got a full day in first helping Dan then when he had to leave because he works tomorrow, I started doing some more on the interior of the Dodge.
Thanks for the thoughts about the turned out to be a flop here, thank God. I haven't seen the news since yesterday morning, so I don't know where it is right now. I hope it hasn't caused any damage elsewhere. All we got was a lot of rain and some wind. Only had one little puddle in the shop where the skylight leaks, but it was very small.
Sounds like you are enjoying your vacation Ken. Bet your Wife and Grandson are too. Are you in withdrawl needing a hot rod fix?
08-20-2008 12:07 PM #225
Honestly I was ready to go last Saturday, I get antsy, everybody else wants to stay another week. We are coming home tonight
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